*I had a good Mother's Day. Sienna kept telling me "Happy Mommy's Day" She must have seen something today that reminded her of it because she even told me "Happy Mommy's Day" today! Every Mother's Day at church the children get up an sing a song. This year Sienna was old enough to get up and sing too. But the whole time she was up there, she was crying for me! Jenessa was standing by her and even put her arm around her shoulders at one point to try to console her (so sweet!) It was hilarious...at least it made me laugh and not cry!
*We are in the middle of Little League season. Kessiah is playing softball and Jenessa is playing t-ball.
*We have our garden planted. Our peas, corn, carrots, beets and cucumbers have really struggled, so Ryan planted a few more peas, corn and cucumbers. We also have some tomatoes, squash and pumpkins growing.
*We are done with school until August! Yeah, I was ready for this break! I just didn't have enough energy to keep up with school and the house! We are also taking a break over the summer from gymnastics. Hopefully, we'll manage to get at least one swimming lesson session in.
*Ryan painted over Memorial Day weekend. I have lived my whole life in houses with white walls (don't worry, I'm ok with that!) When we moved into this house about 19 months ago, we talked about painting some walls but never got around to it. When I asked Ryan what he wanted to do over the 3 day weekend he said "paint." I didn't really think he meant it, but sure enough we ended up at Home Depot on Saturday buying paint. So far he has painted a wall in the kitchen blue and most of the front room tan. (I say most because we need to get more paint to finish it, but the store has to order more base before we can get it...just a little aggravating!) We also have paint for the kid's rooms and the entry. I have to say that I love having a little color on the walls, it's beautiful!
*We are done with school until August! Yeah, I was ready for this break! I just didn't have enough energy to keep up with school and the house! We are also taking a break over the summer from gymnastics. Hopefully, we'll manage to get at least one swimming lesson session in.
*Ryan painted over Memorial Day weekend. I have lived my whole life in houses with white walls (don't worry, I'm ok with that!) When we moved into this house about 19 months ago, we talked about painting some walls but never got around to it. When I asked Ryan what he wanted to do over the 3 day weekend he said "paint." I didn't really think he meant it, but sure enough we ended up at Home Depot on Saturday buying paint. So far he has painted a wall in the kitchen blue and most of the front room tan. (I say most because we need to get more paint to finish it, but the store has to order more base before we can get it...just a little aggravating!) We also have paint for the kid's rooms and the entry. I have to say that I love having a little color on the walls, it's beautiful!