Friday, February 26, 2010

The Day of Doctors

Mason had his 6 month appointment today (yes a little late!)  He weighed in at 15 lbs 12 oz (20%) and he is 27 inches long (75%).  He is a little slow developmentally, we are not too worried though since Logan was slower than the girls as well.  But the doctor (actually a nurse practitioner) thought that maybe he should be evaluated by early childhood we will see what they think!  The timing of his appointment was good since he had started to get an eye infection yesterday.  As it turned out he also had an ear we got an antibiotic to take care of both infections.

Mason is just pretty happy to lay around on his back and chew on his toys.  He has been rolling over to his side quite a bit but hasn't rolled over yet.  I need to get him on his stomach more to help him develop his arm muscles.  He has also recently discovered his toes...I always think that is so cute to see them grab their feet and try to suck on their toes!

I had to have a return visit to my dermatologist today as well.  I had a mole removed last week from behind my left ear and the biopsy came back showing it was severely atypical.  So, I had to go back in to have more skin removed (not the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last...I don't have a very good history with moles!).  Now I have a lovely line of stitches about 2 inches long behind my ear, I get the stitches out on Wednesday and then it shouldn't look so bad!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sienna quote

This morning Sienna was telling me some things that each member of our family did well...when she got to me she said "Mommy is really good at loving little children!"

I thought that was so sweet, I couldn't help but smile because she is just growing out of being my most difficult child (my children seem to be the hardest between about 18 months to 4 years!)  It's good to know that she still loves me!  I know that I sure love her!

Monday, February 22, 2010

More Snow!

It started snowing this morning about 8:30.  We've had a lot of snow this year.  Of course, we never get "a lot" (more than an inch or two) and it doesn't stick around too long.  But the girls had fun going out this morning to play in it for a little while.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Time with Kessiah

I've been able to spend some time with just Kessiah the past 2 days.  Yesterday, she had a 4-H activity with her cavy/rabbit club.  They went to a preschool and spent some time reading books to the kids and showing their animals.  This morning there was a Stake Activity Day for mothers and daughters.  We enjoyed learning about the Articles of Faith, modesty, journals and we even got to do some quilting.  Nana would be happy to know that the quilting activity was her favorite!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

How do you say "I Love You"

Ryan gave me some great Valentine Day presents this year!  He planted some berry bushes that we bought at Home Depot and he put together a small composter for our backyard (we just have to decide where exactly to put it).  I'm so excited as I dream about fresh berries and rich soil for our garden!  He has been telling me not to get too excited about the berry bushes...he is not holding out much hope for them!

Ryan brought home some balloons and flowers on Saturday evening for all us girls...and Logan got a balloon!  The girls love it...this morning Sienna asked Jenessa why Daddy brought them flowers and Jenessa answered "Because he loves us!"

I successfully made a heart cake from a square and a circle and decorated it with pink frosting.  I've wanted to try that for awhile and finally tried it!

I put up a few decorations earlier this month.  I didn't decorate at all last year (I was too sick), so I thought I would this year...the girls love it when we decorate for anything!   I made a cute heart swag out of felt and put it on the fireplace...I was impressed with myself!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Anyone want a 2 year old?

So, I made the mistake of taking Logan to the library again.  I took him with me last weekend and ended up carrying him into the library screaming and carrying him out of the library screaming.  Thankfully, there wasn't much screaming while we were in the library.

But today Logan got me kicked out of the library!  Seriously!  He wanted to put books in the book drop...which is fine except for the fact that he didn't want anyone to help him...he was going very slow...and he needed help to get the books lined up in the book drop.  So, I tried to help him...he started screaming!  He laid down on top of the bag of books that we were returning.  I tried to be patient and wait for him to get up and continue putting the books away...but he was too worried about me trying to take the books out of the bag.  So...finally I had no choice!  I picked him up and put the books in the book drop myself...which caused more screaming!  Then we went over to the shelves to get our books that were on hold.  Some lady who works at the library came over and told me (quite rudely!) that my child was being too noisy and I had to leave the library because there were people trying to study.  I hate it when people look at me like I'm crazy to be out in public with my 5 annoying.  My response was a nice..."I'm doing the best I can."  was all that I said.  Now, really...I knew my child was causing a commotion and I was trying to hurry...I didn't like the situation either.  So, I gave Kessiah and Jenessa the library cards and told them to get the books checked out while I took Sienna, Logan (still screaming), and Mason outside.

So, what am I supposed to do?  Never leave the house with all of my children again...that's not a possibility!  I know that I will save any future library trips for awhile to Fridays or Saturdays when Ryan is home because no way am I taking Logan in there anytime soon!

So, after shedding a few tears I do remember that I love being a Mom...but sometimes it is the hardest job in the world!

Indian lunch

Kessiah and Jenessa just finished studying about India (different time periods, but the country was the same) so today for lunch we enjoyed an Indian feast.  I checked out a few international children's cook books from the library and found some dishes I thought we would enjoy.  Of course, I cut the spices way down....I know from past experience that my family doesn't enjoy too much spice in their food (unfortunately, I could use a little more sometimes!)

We had tandoori chicken, vegetable curry, rice, naan bread and coconut macaroons.  The girls helped make it of course and everybody ate it (so it was a success!)