Friday, August 31, 2012

Five for Friday

1.  I tried to go walking on Tuesday, but my toe still hurt pretty bad when I put my tennis shoes on so I didn't make it very far.  I've just been walking around barefoot or in my sandals.  Hopefully, I'll be able to start walking again next week...I miss it!

2.  School has gone pretty good this week.  Some kids have slacked off on their early morning routine...which has caused some problems finishing our school day when I want to.  I guess I need to have a chat with the offenders and see if we can fix that.  Mason continues to enjoy preschool and Logan had a great time at preschool coop (next week it's my turn to have coop here!)

3.  I have heard from all 3 soccer coaches...practices start next week.  Let the craziness begin!!!

4.  I got Kessiah's dance recital schedule...most of it will work out ok but her recital is on a Wednesday evening...a night that Ryan cannot make it because of Citizen's Academy which starts next week.  So, I'm going to have to get a babysitter to take her to her recital (because I'm not taking the boys...I know them to well to torture them and me that much!)

5.  Corbin has learned how to climb on the kitchen chairs and how to open the doors in our house!  That means trouble around here!  He has gotten into bathrooms and the pantry by himself.  And I have found him sitting up to the table several times.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Logan Turns 5!

My oldest son is 5!  And let me tell you he is opening up a whole new world to me!  I am finding I need to pull out a whole new set of parenting strategies with this guy!  He is so full of energy and curiosity...there is never a dull moment!  It is challenging to keep him occupied and not bored...because that's when he get's into trouble!  He has worked himself out of naps on most days...which means I have to find something quiet to do during that time.  (That is quiet reading time or nap time around here...and he doesn't know how to read yet)  He is enjoying the harder school work I have been giving him and he loves going to preschool coop.

At our house, when you turn 5, you get a friend birthday party.  Logan has been looking forward to his party all month!  We had it the weekend before his birthday.  He has been crossing off the days on a calendar. He had 4 boys come and enjoy the fun with him. His party theme was dinosaurs.  We played several games and I made him a dinosaur cake.

On his birthday, I made cupcakes and he got to open more presents!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Five for Friday

1.  I broke my toe (at least I think I did!) last Sunday evening.  I was putting something in the garage freezer and a piece of frozen Mozzerella fell on my little toe!  Ouch!  It really hurt for about 30 minutes, then turned into a dull ache the rest of the week.  It has been swollen and bruised and I have been limping around all week!

2.  Mason started preschool on Tuesday.  He seems to enjoy it.  I hung around for about 10 minutes on the first day before I left.  After that day, I've just signed him in and said good-bye!

3.  School has gone pretty well this week.  At times we still struggle with our new school routine...there are a few growing pains since we now have less free time than we did in the summer.

4.  We have continued to watch the Olympics that we have for us the Olympics lasts more than 2 weeks!

5.  We had our first 4-H Community Meeting of the year this week.  There are a few new projects being offered this year...including 2 that I'm doing (Clover Kids and Cooking).  It should be a fun year for the kids in 4-H.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Funny comment at the grocery store

Today, I dropped Kessiah off at her dance class and went to the grocery store to get some milk with my three little boys.  I had left Jenessa and Sienna at home.  While I was putting my little guys in the cart, a store employee looked at me and said "Don't worry, number 4 will be a girl!"  I paused for a moment, not sure whether or not to comment.  Then I said "I already have 3 girls as well!"  I just love the look on people's faces when they find out I have 6 kids!  I should have told her that I homeschool as well!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Sweetheart!

Ryan's birthday was on a Saturday this he didn't even have to go to work!  He played on the Wii during the morning, we had lunch, and then he decided he wanted to go on a hike!  I can't believe we've lived here as long as we have and we have never been to this location!  We had some stops to make on the way we didn't even get to eat his birthday cake until Sunday!

What a great guy he is, I am so grateful to have him as part of my life!  I hope I get to celebrate many more birthdays with him.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Five for Friday

1.  We got started with our official first week of school, although we have been doing a couple subjects for the last 2 weeks.  Here are the basic plans for education this year:
Kessiah-6th grade, K12
Jenessa-4th grade, K12
Sienna-1st grade, I've pulled together a curriculum from different sources for her
Logan-Preschool, he is technically old enough to start kindergarten but I have talked to too many parents of boys with late summer birthdays and I feel it would be best to wait one more year.  I have gotton together with a few other moms with kids the same age and we will be doing a preschool coop one day a week.
Mason-Preschool, he will start preschool on Tuesday...and for now the plan is to go 3 days a week.
Corbin-Toddler, his plan is to continue being cute, learn a few words, and keep Mom on her toes with the other kiddos!

2.  We started gymnastics again this week...we took the summer off.  I got everyone back into the class they were supposed to be in except Mason.  He was NOT happy that he did not get to participate.

3.  We have continued to watch the Olympics this week.  It has been fun to see the girls have their favorite sports and athletes.

4.  Logan discovered that Corbin has another tooth coming in!  He has one coming in on the lower left...that will make number 5.

5.  I took Mason to his preschool on Friday to show him his classroom, have him meet his teacher, etc.  He enjoyed playing with several things in the classroom.  Hopefully, he will be happy to be there when I take him next week!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Five (or Six) for Friday

1.  We have enjoyed watching lots of Olympic competitions this week.  It has been fun having Kessiah and Jenessa old enough to really enjoy watching with me.  We have especially enjoyed gymnastics, swimming and diving.  We love having a DVR...we've actually never watched the Olympics as they show them on TV.  We watch what we recorded the day before and fast forward all the commercials...WONDERFUL!

2.  This was the last week of swimming lessons for us.  Kessiah and Jenessa didn't pass this that means next summer I will have 5 in swim lessons at the same time!  This week was also the last summer movie.

3.  Kessiah started dance lessons this week.  She seems to enjoy her jazz/tap class the best, but she enjoys the lyrical/jazz class.  She says the ballet/tap class is her least favorite...which is funny to me because we started these dance classes because she wanted to take ballet!

4.  I have heard from Kessiah's homeroom teacher, Jenessa's teacher and Mason's preschool teacher this week.  I have continued to try to get some things ready for the coming school year so that I can be better prepared.  I took some paperwork in to the preschool this afternoon to complete Mason's registration.  He came with me and he didn't want to leave!  He just wanted to play in the little playground they have there!  I'm sure he will love's the rest of us that will have to adjust!  I have started getting Jenessa up a little earlier this week so that next week doesn't come as such a shock...but it will still be hard.  I have had the girls do 2 subjects each day this week to ease them back into the routine!

5.  Mason and Corbin had check-ups this morning.  They are both doing well...Mason is still at the 4%le for height!

6.  This evening was the Ryan's annual work party/BBQ at the pool.  We rarely go to the pool in our own town...we always go to the pool at the YMCA that is in the next city.  So the kids really look forward to this night when they get to go to this pool.  Ryan took the girls with him early (he always helps out at the grill) so they had fun getting some extra swimming time in.