Friday, May 31, 2013

Five for Friday

1.  Memorial Day was fun.  We had breakfast at Denny's...a pretty calm breakfast considering our crew.  We then went to the park.  After lunch Ryan took Kessiah, Jenessa, Sienna, and Logan miniature golfing and then to a movie (the movie wasn't planned but everyone quickly agreed to the unplanned activity!)

2.  On Tuesday, Kessiah and Jenessa went with some friends in the morning.  Of course, Sienna and Logan were wanting to play with friends as I took them to the park.  That afternoon, I took Kessiah and a couple of friends to the library for the teen library program that was scheduled but when we got there we found out there was a limited number of spots because they were traveling to a nursing home...there were several disappointed teens.  Fortunately, as we were deciding what to do next, the librarian came and told the girls they could help get the project started.  So even though they didn't get to go to the nursing home...they still got their movie pass for helping!  Jenessa had Activity Days that evening where they made babysitting bags and I had a Primary Presidency Meeting.

3.  Wednesday we got together with some friends at a park.  The older kids played kickball and sardines.  The younger ones played on the playground.  That afternoon, we had Clover Kids at our house and made ice cream in a baggie...YUM!  Logan had a t-ball game after that.  Kessiah had a Mutual activity with another ward where they learned about self-defense.

4.  Thursday was a busy morning.  I dropped Logan off at Lucas's house and took the girls to the Meachams where Jenessa and Sienna participated in an American Girls activity.  That provided me with a couple of hours where I could get some stuff checked off my to do list (that is getting harder and harder to do!)  We then went to eat at a nearby elementary school with the Meachams and the Nymans and then went bowling.  By the time we got home at 2:30, Corbin was exhausted!  Sienna had dance that afternoon...her recital in coming up in a few weeks!  It should be really cute!  Craig and Linnea came on Thursday evening (Linnea had a doctor appointment in Phoenix)

5.  Friday was the first summer movie at the theatre.  That evening Kessiah and Jenessa babysat a few kids here...on their way to earning some money for the things they want that I won't buy for them!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Six for Friday (because I had more than 5 things to write about!)

1.  Monday was our last Monday gymnastics class until August (I do still have Kessiah and Logan in a Friday class, but we will see how often we make it this summer!)  In the afternoon we went bowling with some friends.

2.  Tuesday was our last preschool coop.  I was able to take Sienna, Logan, Mason and Corbin...siblings were invited and they had fun playing outdoor water games.  The family also has some chicks and ducklings that were fun for the kids to see and hold.  The group was a great one for Logan this past year, he looked forward to it every week.  I dropped Kessiah and Jenessa off at the library before preschool...they hung out there until Ryan came over at lunch to get Jenessa and Kessiah went to an activity in Prescott.  There is a new school option I'm looking at for Kessiah and they did a seminar for middle and high schoolers during the afternoon and then a parent information session that evening that I went to.  Kessiah went to Mutual after the seminar so that left Jenessa to babysit!  She did a great job!

3.  Wednesday morning I dropped Kessiah and Jenessa off at piano lessons and then took Sienna, Logan, Mason and Corbin to the park.  After lessons, I talked with their teacher about adding Sienna next year and moving their lessons to the afternoon...both things work out with their teacher!  That afternoon I met with a friend to plan a history/science coop for Sienna and Logan (she has a girl Sienna's age and a boy Logan's age...and has been in preschool coop and our homeschool coop with us so we decided to join forces next year on these subjects since we won't have preschool coop)  I'm excited about this since I didn't do so well with science this year for Sienna.

4.  Thursday morning we had our last homeschool group activity for this year.  We did a small Olympic games activity.  That evening the moms got together for dinner and a planning session for next year.  This has been a great group for my kids, they have loved it!

5.  We have been talking about getting a 3rd phone for Kessiah or Jenessa can have one to take with them when they need it.  Ryan and I were also both due for new phones.  On Friday Ryan went and got 3 new phones and a new phone plan. 

6.  In the evening Kessiah and Jenessa hosted their first summer movie babysitting night.  They have planned several Friday evenings this summer for families to bring their kids here to watch a movie and play some games while the parents enjoy some time alone.  They are hoping to make some money this summer!  They had 5 children (3 families) for their first night...we'll see how the rest of the summer goes!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Five for Friday and a few things for Saturday

1.  It was the last week of preschool for Mason.  He has developed so much in his ability to express himself over the past school year.  I was nervous about sending him to preschool, but I believe the speech, physical, and occupational therapies that he has received there have been we plan on him going back in August.

2. On Tuesday it was my last time to host preschool coop.  I put Jenessa in charge and I was her assistant!  Our topic was gardening and she did a great job of planning our activities and worksheets.

3.  We signed up for a bowling program where we get 2 free games of bowling every day all summer long!  We met some friends on Wednesday for some bowling fun!  Even Corbin and Mason got to bowl by pushing their balls down a ramp they have for the little ones...Logan and Sienna used the ramps as well.

3.  On Thursday Kessiah and Jenessa went kayaking with some friends.  They have been wanting to buy kayaks for several weeks.  Ryan went to Costco to buy them on Wednesday evening after work.  Kessiah had the money to buy hers, but Jenessa is in debt!  They had a great time!

4.  On Friday morning I gave Ryan a hair cut.  The girls all talked me into giving them a trim as well.  Kessiah and Jenessa were both just trims, but I cut a few inches off Sienna's hair to make it easier for her to brush.  Kessiah and I met our 4-H sewing buddies at Yogartz for a treat before we went to gymnastics.  It was a yummy way to celebrate their accomplishments.

*Kessiah had a girls camp fundraiser car wash starting at 8:00.  This was the second one they have done.  She is really excited about her first year at camp and is happy to help with any activities to get them there.
*Jenessa and I were able to attend a Mother Daughter brunch for the Activity Day girls.  It was a nice event where the girls were able to share different ways they have grown over the past year and the moms were able to share some things about their daughters.
*Ryan had to sit at a booth at the Home & Garden show during the afternoon and Kessiah and Jenessa were happy to go with him.
*Sienna and Logan had some friends over in the afternoon while the big girls were gone with Ryan.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What are we reading?!?

We have had a great year with me reading to the kids.  Our homeschool group has done a book club about every 5 weeks which has forced us to stay on schedule with our reading.  There have been a few times when we have read more than normal because we needed to finish the book before book club.  This has allowed us to read more books than we might have otherwise...we read the book club books and we snuck in a few of our own choices as well.   Now that we are on summer break from our homeschool group it is up to me to decide what to read next.  So many books I want to little time.  I am starting out the summer by reading Peter and the Starcatchers.  I heard of this book awhile ago and it has been on my "to read to the kids" list.  It is a series, we'll see how far we get this summer.  There are a couple of other books the girls want me to read as well.

As a way to encourage my girls to read some books that I want them to read (historical fiction, classics) I made 2 summer reading bingo charts for each of them.  They are excited to earn the prizes we have selected as they complete "bingo" on their charts. As a way to help Logan and Mason meet their reading goals for the library summer reading program, I have planned in our summer job routines for each of the girls to read a book to one of their brothers.

I just finished the Eragon series.  I enjoyed the first books more than the last ones (I actually skimmed through most of the last book and a half...there was too much fighting in the series for me to really enjoy it)  Now, I am looking forward to reading several books that I put on Kessiah and Jenessa's summer reading bingo cards.

Kessiah recently finished the Eragon series and has enjoyed other fantasy science fiction type books this year.  She is currently reading Seven Daughters and Seven Sons, which is on her bingo chart.  She has also started the Lord of the Rings, but she has found the beginning to be boring so I don't know if she will finish it.

Jenessa has really enjoyed reading Nancy Drew books this year.  She got a set of the first 10 books for Christmas and has checked out many more since then.  She loves Nancy and is fascinated by her talent for getting out of tricky situations.

Sienna has delved into the world of easier chapter books and loves them!  I have several historical fiction and science related books ready for her to read.

Logan is just starting on his reading adventure.  We started Hooked on Phonics during the winter...kind of slacked off during the spring.  He enjoys having books read to him.

Mason and Corbin will sit happily as someone reads them a few books

Ryan recently finished reading the Tennis Shoes and the Nephites series to Kessiah and Jenessa  (It took them a few years...but they did it!).  He is now working on the Chronicles of Narnia series and Sienna has joined in on the listening.  This has worked out well because it gives me a chance to read to the boys before I put them in bed.  We don't get this evening reading done every night...but we try to do it 2-3 times a week.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

It was a great day.  Ryan cooked me 3 meals and kept up with the dishes!  WOW!  I am truly blessed.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Five for Friday

1.  My kids are trying their best to get into summer mode even though technically we should do school until May 29th.  Kessiah and Jenessa are now at 90% on all their courses (which is where they need to be to promote to the next grade level), but we still need to record attendance until the last day of we need to do some academics every day.

2.  We are making some fun summer may turn out to be our busiest, funnest summer yet (it does help that I'm not pregnant and don't have an infant).  We have purchased tickets for the summer movie program at the theatre and and signed up for free bowling tickets for the summer.  Plus we'll have the usual library summer reading program and piano lessons.  Something new in our summer plans is a week in July with 1/2 day sports camps for the girls.  Kessiah will get some new experiences with a week long 1/2 day babysitting class and Girl's Camp (she is so excited!)  We are also planning some summer classes with some families in our homeschool group...we'll see how those turn out!  It's shaping up to be a good summer.

3.  We had Community Meeting on Thursday.  It was our usual May meeting at the park with pizza.  The kids enjoyed a game of kickball after pizza (Jenessa even got Mason and Corbin involved with running around the bases!)

4.  We paid up this weekend to Jenessa for finishing the New Testament.  I went on a bike ride with her on Friday.  We rode to the civic center and then noticed that the library was having a book sale outside!  And I happened to have a 10 dollar bill in my back was our lucky day!  Ryan took her to a movie on Saturday.

5.  Logan likes to tell me several times a day how much he loves me.  The other day he told me that he loved me and he also hugged me around my belly extra tight and told me how soft I was!  Gee Thanks! 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Father and Son Campout

Ryan took both Logan and Mason to the Father and Son Campout this year.  The boys had a great time (as was evident by how dirty they were when they got home!)  The girls...and Corbin... had a fun movie night.