Sunday, September 29, 2013

County Fair

Kessiah, Jenessa, Sienna and Logan all had entries at the county fair this year (and made $5-$10 each in winnings).  We enjoyed walking around the fair with our homeschool group and looking at all the exhibits and animals.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


The Civic Center lawns looked amazing this weekend.  Because of the effort the town puts into this display, I am always reminded of the events that this reminds us of.  The fact that each flag had a small bio of each person that died certainly made it personal. 

Ryan has been super busy during the past 1 1/2 weeks putting flags together, getting tags ready to put on the flags, putting flags up on the field, sitting at the booth by the field...all of those things have been done on Fridays and Saturdays (his days off)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Five for Friday

1.  Monday was Labor girls were thrilled to have the day off school!  We went to Denny's for breakfast and then went on a hike around Fain Lake.  That evening we went to Pronghorn Park and played some zombie tag and a very short game of kickball after eating a picnic dinner.  On Saturday we got talked into taking the kids to Freedom Station (thank goodness for the valpak coupon...we got a $40 gift card for $20!)

2.  This month for history/science coop Sienna and Logan are going to the Nymans.  It was really different to have a couple of hours while they were gone...and Mason was at preschool.  I spent my time cleaning up since that afternoon we had a Cloverbuds meeting at our house.  That activity got a little out of hand...we were making apple prints...Logan and Lucas decided to paint their hands and make handprints down the hallway!

3.  Wednesday was our day with nowhere to I have 3 soccer practices scheduled!  I made it to all 3 this week only because Ryan left work early.  Unfortunately, Mason will not be making it to his practices...but I'm not going to worry about it since he is in pee-wee.  I should be able to get Jenessa and Sienna to their practices.

4.  Thursday we had another great time with our homeschool group...this has been such a good group for our family.  We started a new unit about the wild west, I'm in charge of the 5-7 year olds this month.  That afternoon, Kessiah had her first violin lesson with Laura Nyman.  I'm excited to see where she goes with this.  Then the girls had piano lessons.  We came home for a quick dinner before heading to 4-H community meeting.  I think that was the first community meeting I have ever sat all the way through with my boys!  I had Mason sit by Sienna while she played her DSi, Logan was coloring next to me and Corbin was on my other side playing with some toys.  It was a short meeting...but we did it!  Yeah!

5.  Friday morning Ryan left early with the girls to get the flags set up at the Civic Center for the Healing Field.