Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sienna turns 3!

Sienna's birthday was today! Last night I asked her if she wanted a cake or cupcakes...the answer was cupcakes. So I then let her pick out which cake mix she wanted..the answer was our traditional polka dot cake mix. She has made it clear over the past several days that she wanted a pizza party (probably because Kessiah has been talking about her pizza birthday party coming up soon). So we made pizza for lunch today and enjoyed some yummy cupcakes. It took her a few tries to get her candles blown out, but she managed to accomplish the task! I wonder what she wished for!

She received an electronic computer toy and some dress up costumes (dragon, horse, and supergirl). Her favorite costume was the dragon, she put it on almost immediately. She also liked the horse but didn't pay much attention to the supergirl costume today.

It's a joy to watch Sienna grow and learn. At times she is so exasperating and at other times she makes me laugh out loud! I can't believe my baby girl is 3!


Cynthia said...

Sounds like the best birthday party! I wish we could have been there. We thought of you this weekend. We miss you all,
The Becker's

Cynthia said...

Would love to see a pic of her in her dragon costume!!!!!

Janel Ruzzi said...

I bet she loved the attention! Sounds like it was a good day. I thought about Sienna on Saturday and wondered what she was getting for her birthday--now I know! Charlotte loves to wear bunny ears and carry around a fairy wand. She says "b, b, b" over and over again, meaning boing, boing, boing!

Cynthia said...

She is so adorable! Wonderful pictures. I love that you have a red head, brunette and blonde!!!!
They are all so precious!

Joan said...

Fun times at the Judys! Happy birthday to Sienna! What was her middle name again?