Thursday, October 8, 2009

2 month and 2 year check ups

The boys had check ups at the doctor this morning. Logan didn't have to get any shots today (yeah!). Mason had 3 shots (it could have been worse since 3 of the vaccines were combined into one shot! I Love That!)

Here are the stats:

weight 25 lbs 13 oz (25%)
length 33 1/4 in (15%)

weight 13 lbs (35%)
length 22 3/4 in (45%)

Mason has gained 4 pounds since his 2 week appointment, he is our little chunky monkey! If I could just get him to sleep better at night! Twice in the past week he has kept me up well past 2:00 a.m. Last night he was up every 2 hours, yet he has slept until 4:00-5:00 in the past!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

They are really growing up!
Time for another! Ha!
I better not even kid about that, huh? You guys are almost the Brady Bunch. I like that...The Judy Bunch, The Judy Bunch. I can tell you the way they became the Judy Bunch!!!
Ryan is 30 lbs and wears 4tshirts, 2T and 3T pants! I know what a big boy is!