Monday, October 26, 2009

I Make Trouble!

So, during lunch today I was telling the girls that we would go out this afternoon and buy Christmas gifts for our cousin gift exchange. (We will send them up north with NaNa who is here visiting right now).

Sienna was getting excited thinking that we were buying gifts for her. Ryan told her that she was only going to get Christmas presents if she was good. And her reply was "But I make trouble!" And then she proceeded to name a few things that she did to make trouble. It was very funny how she could so easily admit guilt!


Cynthia said...

Admitting it is the first step!!!!
Good for her! It shows good parenting skills as well!

Janel Ruzzi said...

LOL! She cracks me up. I can't wait to see how much trouble she will cause at Nana and Papa's house!