Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Spotlight FHE

For Family Home Evening last night we had each of the kids take a turn in the "chair of honor" and talk about some of the things they accomplished over the past year. Of course, they loved it and Kessiah wanted to know if we were going to do this every year! So here is what we thought of...

*she only had 2 times during softball when she was up to bat when she did not get a hit.
*has learned how to use the stove...which has been especially nice when she wakes up and cooks sausage on Saturday mornings before we get out of bed!
*has taken the opportunity several times lately to show her talent at the piano. She recently played in Sacrament meeting, a talent show at church and a talent show at our big Ogden Thanksgiving
*Something clicked in her brain this fall and she finally understands multipication and division (she was quite frustrated at the end of 2nd grade in math!)
*is becoming quite friendly with the tooth fairy...she has lost 3 teeth in the past 2 weeks!
*has borne her testimony every Fast Sunday this year.

*overcame her fear of attending level 1 gymnastics. When we started going back to gymnastics in the fall, she was very nervous (even tearful!) but she loves it now!
*stopped sucking her thumb! Yeah!
*did a great job of hitting the ball during the second half of t-ball this spring when they did coach pitch...even almost hitting her coach once!
*has started learning to play the piano.
*has memorized several poems since we started school this fall.

*has learned her ABCs
*can write her name.
*was a Super Sensational Soccer player (at least after the first game! She cried through the entire first game and wanted Mommy or Daddy to be out on the field with her)
*stopped sucking her thumb! Yeah!
*has borne her testimony twice (with Kessiah's help)

*has learned to take his pants and socks and shoes off (I'm still not sure if this is good or bad!)
*can be reverent during prayers (sometimes!)

*accomplished the incredible feat of being born at a whopping 9 pounds (unheard of for this family!)
*has learned how to smile and giggle
*has learned how to take formula from a bottle


Janel Ruzzi said...

I love the pictures and the accomplishments of each of your children. You are such an inspiration to me! I'm glad this picture session went better than the last one!

Cynthia said...

OKAY so what happened at the last picture session? Love the pictures. Love having Ryan on FACEBOOK! And am so glad that I can still keep up with you on the blogger. Love you guys! Happy New Year!
Oh, and your house is for sale AGAIN!

Hayley said...

Oh, and what abou tthe accomplishments of mom and dad????
Like, Ryan has accomplished facebook and keeping us posted on the family as well as Carrine's accomplishment of keeping us updated through blogging. That is appreciated by the way!!!!
Also, Ryan, accomplishing not going gray headed with a house full of girls...
Carrine, accomplished adding a new baby to the family. Along with homeschooling and life and a house filled with children. Meanwhile mangaing to run errands, sports, events, recitals, dinner, laundry, sanity, a few phone calls with old friends, portraits, and giving enough love to a wonderful family that she is proud to call her own that is healthy and happy who happen to have wonderful role models.
Wow! No wonder you are tired at the end of the day.
Ryan also accomplished taking his wife out on a "date" to a movie!
Have I ever mentioned that I wish every single day that you never left???? I truely miss you all...even that baby Mason whom I have yet to meet! But I will! I promise!!!
Keep up the good job Ryan AND Carrine! You are an inspiration and we love you!