Monday, March 15, 2010

Ketchup Week

It is our Spring Break this week, I often refer to these weeks when we have a different routine because of a school break as "catch-up" weeks...but my children say "ketchup" week!  And of course they think we should have food that requires ketchup!

Kessiah is a little behind in Math and Science so we are doing one lesson in each of those subjects this week as well as spending some time working on her 4-H record book.

Jenessa is currently not behind in any subjects so she gets to pick three subjects of her choice each day this week.

We have been enjoying some really nice weather this weekend and so the girls have been begging me to get out the summer this afternoon that is what we did!  Jenessa and Sienna are set, Kessiah really needs some new shirts.

We also put our school papers from the past several months into our school notebooks.

Kessiah and Jenessa made our Family Home Evening treats this afternoon...pumpkin chocolate chip cookies ( was my turn to pick!)

I am really looking forward to this week to "catch-up" on a few things that have been neglected!

1 comment:

Janel Ruzzi said...

I am not such a fan of "ketchup", but I could really use some time to "catch up" on many areas of my life. :)