1. On Monday we had a Christmas part 2! We played Wii games, DSi games, watched movies, stayed in our PJs (at least the kids did!)...pretty much took it easy! We have spent the rest of the week doing a lot of lounging around and enjoying our break! Ryan did take the girls to the movie theater to see Tin Tin.
2. I was finally able to get in this week to get an MRI on my shoulder (I hurt it the end of September and it just isn't getting better...in fact, it's getting worse). The day after my MRI I had to go back to the doctor to see the results which thankfully were that I don't have to have surgery! But I do need physcial therapy. That will be a pain, but it looks like I can get in early in the morning, so it shouldn't disrupt too much of our routine.
3. We spent one morning finishing the girls' rooms. We got a dresser in Kessiah's room and moved the trundle that Sienna had been sleeping on under the bunk beds. Jenessa moved to the top bunk and Sienna now has the bottom bunk...that room seems much bigger now!
4. Corbin has mastered the art of sitting, I keep waiting for him to start crawling...it won't be long!
5. On Friday night Ryan and I got to go on our 2nd date this month! Pretty funny when you consider how rarely we get a babysitter and go out without the kids! The stake presidency were having dinner together and since Ryan is the stake executive secretary, we were invited! It was a nice dinner and we played a fun game of "The Newlywed Game" Book of Mormon style!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Family Pictures
We haven't gone and had a family picture for 2 years! We did it today! I would have liked a few more shots...but when you're working with this many little ones you have to learn to say we've done enough!
8 months old!
This little guy is 8 months old today. He is adorable! He has learned how to get on his hands and knees and rock back and forth...sometime during the past week he has learned how to get on his hands and feet (he looks like he's ready to do a push-up!) It won't be long before he is crawling around!
He is also an expert raspberry blower...I, however, do NOT appreciate this talent when he is eating! There was one day recently when he ended up with peas all over his face because he kept blowing while I was trying to feed him!
Unfortunately, he still refuses to sleep through the night...which is making me tired! I'm hoping he figures it out soon!!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas Day 2011
Christmas was on a Sunday this year and we have 8:00 church...we were a little worried about how that was going to work out...but it went fine. We told the kids they could get up at 6:30 (they used my cell phone to set an alarm!), they had time to look at Santa stuff before we needed to get ready for church. We only had sacrament meeting today, then we came home, took a few pictures, got back in our pajamas (because it's our tradition to spend Christmas Day in our pajamas!) and enjoyed the rest of our day!
We weren't sure how the day was going to go...with it being Sunday...because there are certain things that we don't do on Sunday...like play the Wii or DSi games, watch T.V. or movies (except for "Sunday" movies), etc. But the kids never even asked to do those things (even though there were some new Wii games and DSi games and movies)...I was really proud of them. They kept busy with other gifts including a big cardboard house, new board games, science kits, art kits and we watched the Ten Commandments (one of spiritual gifts from Ryan) It was a nice day...it made me wish that every Christmas was on a Sunday!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve 2011
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
We did our annual acting out of the Nativity. I have been buying some material remnants lately at Joann's...so this year we had more than bathrobes, towels and sheets to dress up in...it was nice!
As usual, the "wise men" brought pajamas for everyone! The kids looked so cute and cuddly!
We did our annual acting out of the Nativity. I have been buying some material remnants lately at Joann's...so this year we had more than bathrobes, towels and sheets to dress up in...it was nice!
As usual, the "wise men" brought pajamas for everyone! The kids looked so cute and cuddly!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Five for Friday
1. On my first day of Christmas Break I cleaned my bedroom (it REALLY needed it...amazing how long it takes with 6 kids!), put up hooks in the kids bathroom for their towels (hopefully, that helps!), and wrapped the Myrrh presents.
2. On my second day of Christmas Break I focused my cleaning/decluttering attention on the front room. I also helped Sienna and Logan make peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and assisted Kessiah and Jenessa while they each made a treat (hopefully, we'll get those to their Primary teachers tomorrow!) The kids got their sibling presents wrapped and Mason's therapist came to play!
3. On my third day of Christmas Break we did our regular library trip (unfortunately, our piano teacher called this morning to tell us she had fractured her ankle and was at the doctor and wouldn't be back in time for lessons!) My cleaning/decluttering focus was the family room which drifted a bit into the game room since I was cleaning out the toy basket in the family room. I helped Kessiah finish her cookie dough truffles and my visiting teachers came for a visit.
4. On my fourth day of Christmas Break Jenessa and Sienna each invited a friend over for a few hours (they happen to be sisters so that makes it easier!). I was cleaning/decluttering the kitchen and Ryan was out doing the last of our Christmas shopping. That evening we went to tithing settlement and then delivered some goodies to the kids' Primary teachers.
5. On my fifth day of Christmas Break we did some furniture rearranging! The daybed is now in the game room which is now mostly Kessiah's room and one of our big cubbies got moved from the game room to the boy's room (which I wasn't thrilled about having toys in their bedroom...I have been fighting this idea for a year!) Of course, this process including getting rid of a bunch of stuff that was in the game room.
I really could use another week of Christmas Break to continue cleaning and decluttering but next week I need to focus on getting some things ready for next semester! It has been great to have some time to do what has been done this week!
2. On my second day of Christmas Break I focused my cleaning/decluttering attention on the front room. I also helped Sienna and Logan make peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and assisted Kessiah and Jenessa while they each made a treat (hopefully, we'll get those to their Primary teachers tomorrow!) The kids got their sibling presents wrapped and Mason's therapist came to play!
3. On my third day of Christmas Break we did our regular library trip (unfortunately, our piano teacher called this morning to tell us she had fractured her ankle and was at the doctor and wouldn't be back in time for lessons!) My cleaning/decluttering focus was the family room which drifted a bit into the game room since I was cleaning out the toy basket in the family room. I helped Kessiah finish her cookie dough truffles and my visiting teachers came for a visit.
4. On my fourth day of Christmas Break Jenessa and Sienna each invited a friend over for a few hours (they happen to be sisters so that makes it easier!). I was cleaning/decluttering the kitchen and Ryan was out doing the last of our Christmas shopping. That evening we went to tithing settlement and then delivered some goodies to the kids' Primary teachers.
5. On my fifth day of Christmas Break we did some furniture rearranging! The daybed is now in the game room which is now mostly Kessiah's room and one of our big cubbies got moved from the game room to the boy's room (which I wasn't thrilled about having toys in their bedroom...I have been fighting this idea for a year!) Of course, this process including getting rid of a bunch of stuff that was in the game room.
I really could use another week of Christmas Break to continue cleaning and decluttering but next week I need to focus on getting some things ready for next semester! It has been great to have some time to do what has been done this week!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Thanksgiving in December!
We went to Utah for Thanksgiving this year, but several people in our family wanted to do our own Thanksgiving dinner at home! So we finally got around to it today (I didn't mean to do it so close to Christmas, but that is just how it worked out!)
Friday, December 16, 2011
Five for Friday
1. We started out the week by making our gingerbread houses for Family Home Evening...we do this every year although it is usually earlier in the month! This year I bought a kit that had 5 small houses...so every child except Corbin got to make their very own! Mason just tore his apart and tried to eat all the candy and icing he could...but the rest of the kids had fun with it!
2. After a break for several weeks from speech therapy (because his therapist moved), Mason started back up this week with someone new.
3. I really thought that I would be ok decorating the whole Christmas tree this year...but I was wrong! I keep finding ornaments in strange places...even the garage! So, many ornaments are making their way to the top of the tree and for another year our tree has lots of ornaments on the top and the bottom is rather sparse!
4. We had a surgery follow-up appointment for Mason in Mesa on Friday. He did NOT want to go in the office and screamed for 10 minutes once we got in. Thanks to his outburst though, they got us in pretty quickly and the appointment only took a few minutes.
5. While we were "down south" we went to the Arizona Science Center. We spent several hours exploring the four levels. During the morning there were some school groups there that made some areas a little crowded but after lunch we practically had the whole place to ourselves so we revisited a few favorite areas or some places that were too crowded in the morning. It was a fun day!
2. After a break for several weeks from speech therapy (because his therapist moved), Mason started back up this week with someone new.
3. I really thought that I would be ok decorating the whole Christmas tree this year...but I was wrong! I keep finding ornaments in strange places...even the garage! So, many ornaments are making their way to the top of the tree and for another year our tree has lots of ornaments on the top and the bottom is rather sparse!
4. We had a surgery follow-up appointment for Mason in Mesa on Friday. He did NOT want to go in the office and screamed for 10 minutes once we got in. Thanks to his outburst though, they got us in pretty quickly and the appointment only took a few minutes.
5. While we were "down south" we went to the Arizona Science Center. We spent several hours exploring the four levels. During the morning there were some school groups there that made some areas a little crowded but after lunch we practically had the whole place to ourselves so we revisited a few favorite areas or some places that were too crowded in the morning. It was a fun day!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Five for Friday
1. Our big event this week was Mason's eye surgery. We went to Phoenix on Monday evening and I was at the hospital with him at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning. The procedure went well, we have a follow up appointment in a week down in Mesa. The reason for the surgery? His right eye wasn't tracking correctly. The doctor cut a muscle in his eye to (hopefully) correct the problem. The doctor commented that the muscle was about twice the size that it should have been...so the problem was definitely not going to just go away on it's own! Mason went into the surgery well...thanks to some medication they gave him to help him relax and give him amnesia! But he woke up in an awful mood! I was warned that could happen! He finally calmed down on the way to the hotel.
2. Corbin slept HORRIBLY in the hotel! I seriously got 2 hours of sleep that night! If we have to repeat that surgery (or for anything else) in the near future...one of us will have to go down alone! He has continued to not sleep well since we got back...which makes for one tired mommy sometimes!
3. On Friday we finally got our Christmas tree decorated! It has been a crazy month for us with sick people, snow and the surgery...we just weren't able to do it before now! We also got the Christmas village set up and Ryan got the outside lights up. It's beginning to feel like Christmas.
4. I love the Friend magazine that the church puts out. Every December they have some kind of a count down to Christmas Advent Activity Calendar. We are using the one from this year as well as a previous one...and the kids got a Christmas chain with an activity to do each day before Christmas...so we are having fun counting down!
5. We enjoyed the ward party on Friday evening. Good food, good company! The Primary children put on a nativity and Jenessa got to be Mary (her name was drawn out of a hat...because of course, everyone wanted that role!) Kessiah and Jenessa were able to go to Sis Ipson's house last week and help her with the costumes.
2. Corbin slept HORRIBLY in the hotel! I seriously got 2 hours of sleep that night! If we have to repeat that surgery (or for anything else) in the near future...one of us will have to go down alone! He has continued to not sleep well since we got back...which makes for one tired mommy sometimes!
3. On Friday we finally got our Christmas tree decorated! It has been a crazy month for us with sick people, snow and the surgery...we just weren't able to do it before now! We also got the Christmas village set up and Ryan got the outside lights up. It's beginning to feel like Christmas.
4. I love the Friend magazine that the church puts out. Every December they have some kind of a count down to Christmas Advent Activity Calendar. We are using the one from this year as well as a previous one...and the kids got a Christmas chain with an activity to do each day before Christmas...so we are having fun counting down!
5. We enjoyed the ward party on Friday evening. Good food, good company! The Primary children put on a nativity and Jenessa got to be Mary (her name was drawn out of a hat...because of course, everyone wanted that role!) Kessiah and Jenessa were able to go to Sis Ipson's house last week and help her with the costumes.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Five for Friday
1. We started out the week on Sunday with Jenessa, Sienna, Logan, Mason and Corbin all sick with a stomach bug...well, on Monday me and Kessiah ended up with it while everyone else was feeling better! Jenessa was such a good little nurse and substitute mother while I was laying around all day!
2. On Wednesday (which happened to also be Kessiah's birthday), the BYU basketball team was in Prescott Valley playing NAU...Ryan took the girls, he met some friends of his from BYU at a restaurant before the game and they all went to the game together (read between the lines!...they had a nice dinner and I had leftover mac & cheese with Logan and Mason!...ok...not complaining...just sayin') It was kind of cute before they left, Jenessa was telling me that she felt bad that I couldn't go to many things because I had to stay home with the little ones. It is true that I would get out more if I didn't have my little guys...but it is worth it! They will grow up soon enough!
3. Thursday was just one of those days when I couldn't keep up, felt very overwhelmed and basically wondered how I was supposed to manage this life I have been blessed with! I decided I really just have to be more organized and then have the self-discipline to stick to the plan! Ummm....I'm looking forward to Christmas break when I have some time to contemplate some changes I need to make!
4. My shoulder has been bothering me since the end of September. I hurt it while trying to get the car seat out of the Suburban and I slipped and pulled it...it has bothering me ever since. I went to the doctor on Friday, thankfully, he doesn't think I've torn anything...just lots of inflammation. So, we'll see how the next 6 weeks go...if it's still bothering me then he'll order an MRI.
5. On Friday evening I enjoyed an evening out with my wonderful husband (a rare occurrence in my life!) We went to a Mannheim Steamroller concert...wonderful music! Kessiah reminds me that next year when she turns 12 we can go on more frequent dates!
2. On Wednesday (which happened to also be Kessiah's birthday), the BYU basketball team was in Prescott Valley playing NAU...Ryan took the girls, he met some friends of his from BYU at a restaurant before the game and they all went to the game together (read between the lines!...they had a nice dinner and I had leftover mac & cheese with Logan and Mason!...ok...not complaining...just sayin') It was kind of cute before they left, Jenessa was telling me that she felt bad that I couldn't go to many things because I had to stay home with the little ones. It is true that I would get out more if I didn't have my little guys...but it is worth it! They will grow up soon enough!
3. Thursday was just one of those days when I couldn't keep up, felt very overwhelmed and basically wondered how I was supposed to manage this life I have been blessed with! I decided I really just have to be more organized and then have the self-discipline to stick to the plan! Ummm....I'm looking forward to Christmas break when I have some time to contemplate some changes I need to make!
4. My shoulder has been bothering me since the end of September. I hurt it while trying to get the car seat out of the Suburban and I slipped and pulled it...it has bothering me ever since. I went to the doctor on Friday, thankfully, he doesn't think I've torn anything...just lots of inflammation. So, we'll see how the next 6 weeks go...if it's still bothering me then he'll order an MRI.
5. On Friday evening I enjoyed an evening out with my wonderful husband (a rare occurrence in my life!) We went to a Mannheim Steamroller concert...wonderful music! Kessiah reminds me that next year when she turns 12 we can go on more frequent dates!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Kessiah turns 11
Wow! I just don't know how this is possible! Kessiah is turning into an incredible young woman...it is so exciting to see her learn, grow, develop her talents and interests...I am so blessed to be her Mom!
She is a smart one (although we are struggling with math right now! Fractions and decimals are really making her head spin and bring tears to her eyes on a regular basis!)...she loves to read and is quite crafty! She was very happy to get back into piano this fall after a 9 month break! And it is nice to hear her play again!
This year she wanted a 4 layer chocolate cake for her birthday (I think she was inspired by the 4 layer coconut cake I made for Sienna's birthday!) It was a good one!
She sometimes gets annoyed at being the oldest of 6, but I am proud of the example that she sets for her younger siblings.
She is a smart one (although we are struggling with math right now! Fractions and decimals are really making her head spin and bring tears to her eyes on a regular basis!)...she loves to read and is quite crafty! She was very happy to get back into piano this fall after a 9 month break! And it is nice to hear her play again!
This year she wanted a 4 layer chocolate cake for her birthday (I think she was inspired by the 4 layer coconut cake I made for Sienna's birthday!) It was a good one!
She sometimes gets annoyed at being the oldest of 6, but I am proud of the example that she sets for her younger siblings.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Corbin is 7 months old!
Wow! We are on our way to one year now!
Corbin is getting pretty steady when sitting up, but he still needs someone sitting right by him. He has been rolling from his back to his stomach for awhile but he is getting better at going from his stomach to his back. He is still fascinated with his hands and likes to open and close his fists.
He has developed a more regular sleeping and eating routine over the past month. It has been wonderful to have him sleeping through the night!
He is a wonderful addition to our family!
Corbin is getting pretty steady when sitting up, but he still needs someone sitting right by him. He has been rolling from his back to his stomach for awhile but he is getting better at going from his stomach to his back. He is still fascinated with his hands and likes to open and close his fists.
He has developed a more regular sleeping and eating routine over the past month. It has been wonderful to have him sleeping through the night!
He is a wonderful addition to our family!
Sunday update
I thought a day when 5 of my 6 children all threw up on the same day deserved a post of it's own! Hopefully, the rest of us won't get it tonight or tomorrow!
Needless to say, I did not get my Christmas decorations up today like I had planned!
Needless to say, I did not get my Christmas decorations up today like I had planned!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Five for Friday
1. Thanksgiving...we went to Richfield for Thanksgiving...it was the Ogden "on" year. It was great to see my grandparents (who are 99 years old! and still living on their own...although my parents just live down the street.) It was nice to catch up with some cousins/aunts/uncles. There were almost 70 people there! And of course the yummy food!
2. It was nice to spend some time with my parents, 2 of my brothers and their kids. We had18 people in my parents house...good times were enjoyed, memories were made...the cousins had a great time together.
3. Ryan and I did a little "Black Friday" shopping...taking advantage of the many people around to watch our kids...we found some things we wanted but not others. We went to Walmart at 10:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving night to try to catch some deals...I think everyone in Richfield and the surrounding areas were at Walmart...the place was packed! We ended up walking out with nothing! At 5:00 a.m. Ryan dropped me off at K-mart while he went to Radio Shack to hopefully get a laptop. After he stood outside for 30 minutes in the freezing cold he got to the checkout and was told the lady in front of him bought the computer he wanted! They had 1...one...computer in the whole store! Annoying! I think next year I'll do all my shopping online!
4. It is always a little strange for me when we go visit family. I'm used to being with my kids all day but when they have cousins around it seems like I don't get the chance to connect with them like I usually do...As much as we enjoy getting away...I do enjoy getting back home!
5. Because it was Thanksgiving this week let me end my post with some things I'm grateful for! The gospel, my husband, my children, my extended family, the scriptures, our prophet, freedom, Ryan's employment and benefits, health, the opportunity to homeschool my children...of course there are many more things...those are just the first ones that came to my mind! I am truly blessed.
2. It was nice to spend some time with my parents, 2 of my brothers and their kids. We had18 people in my parents house...good times were enjoyed, memories were made...the cousins had a great time together.
3. Ryan and I did a little "Black Friday" shopping...taking advantage of the many people around to watch our kids...we found some things we wanted but not others. We went to Walmart at 10:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving night to try to catch some deals...I think everyone in Richfield and the surrounding areas were at Walmart...the place was packed! We ended up walking out with nothing! At 5:00 a.m. Ryan dropped me off at K-mart while he went to Radio Shack to hopefully get a laptop. After he stood outside for 30 minutes in the freezing cold he got to the checkout and was told the lady in front of him bought the computer he wanted! They had 1...one...computer in the whole store! Annoying! I think next year I'll do all my shopping online!
4. It is always a little strange for me when we go visit family. I'm used to being with my kids all day but when they have cousins around it seems like I don't get the chance to connect with them like I usually do...As much as we enjoy getting away...I do enjoy getting back home!
5. Because it was Thanksgiving this week let me end my post with some things I'm grateful for! The gospel, my husband, my children, my extended family, the scriptures, our prophet, freedom, Ryan's employment and benefits, health, the opportunity to homeschool my children...of course there are many more things...those are just the first ones that came to my mind! I am truly blessed.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Five (or Six or Seven) for Friday
Sometimes my kids crack me up! Here are some of my interactions for the week.
1. Logan came up to me pushing his ears next to his head and said "When I do this my head looks like an oval!" He was so proud of himself for making that observation.
2. At lunch on Tuesday, Sienna didn't like much of what I had made (fish, rice, veggies). After eating what she was going to eat, she said "Can I have some more veggies?" It was a rather pathetic plea, but I happily gave her more...what mother wouldn't be thrilled to have their children ask for more veggies!
3. Jenessa came to the conclusion that she wanted to get a degree in Early Childhood Education when she goes to college so she can teach preschool (she is actually really good with that age group and often helps me out with our "preschoolers") She was so excited about the possibilities that she said "I can't wait to grow-up"
4. One night at dinner Mason went around the table pointing to everyone and saying their name...in his 2 year old manner of course. He has just started saying everyone's name over the past month...and he says them so cute...not quite getting all the correct sounds and syllables...but you know who he is referring to from the inflection and sounds.
5. One evening when we were doing zones Sienna said "I wish I was Corbin"...now this was because Corbin was sitting happily in his high chair chewing on a tortilla and she was supposed to be cleaning up the family room! Jenessa tried to convince her that she didn't wish she was Corbin because of all the things she could do that Corbin couldn't...but I don't think she bought it!
6. This week Kessiah began a new unit in composition...she is supposed to write an editorial...which means we had to come up with a topic related to a local or world event about which she had an opinion! Her quote..."I don't have an opinion about anything!" Really! If you were to listen to her talk...she has many opinions!
7. Another Mason moment because he is so cute...whenever it is time to eat or go somewhere he is the first one ready and he tries to get everyone else on the ball! When it's time to eat, he's at the table trying to get everyone's attention...he'll say "Fill in the Blank, Come On!"
1. Logan came up to me pushing his ears next to his head and said "When I do this my head looks like an oval!" He was so proud of himself for making that observation.
2. At lunch on Tuesday, Sienna didn't like much of what I had made (fish, rice, veggies). After eating what she was going to eat, she said "Can I have some more veggies?" It was a rather pathetic plea, but I happily gave her more...what mother wouldn't be thrilled to have their children ask for more veggies!
3. Jenessa came to the conclusion that she wanted to get a degree in Early Childhood Education when she goes to college so she can teach preschool (she is actually really good with that age group and often helps me out with our "preschoolers") She was so excited about the possibilities that she said "I can't wait to grow-up"
4. One night at dinner Mason went around the table pointing to everyone and saying their name...in his 2 year old manner of course. He has just started saying everyone's name over the past month...and he says them so cute...not quite getting all the correct sounds and syllables...but you know who he is referring to from the inflection and sounds.
5. One evening when we were doing zones Sienna said "I wish I was Corbin"...now this was because Corbin was sitting happily in his high chair chewing on a tortilla and she was supposed to be cleaning up the family room! Jenessa tried to convince her that she didn't wish she was Corbin because of all the things she could do that Corbin couldn't...but I don't think she bought it!
6. This week Kessiah began a new unit in composition...she is supposed to write an editorial...which means we had to come up with a topic related to a local or world event about which she had an opinion! Her quote..."I don't have an opinion about anything!" Really! If you were to listen to her talk...she has many opinions!
7. Another Mason moment because he is so cute...whenever it is time to eat or go somewhere he is the first one ready and he tries to get everyone else on the ball! When it's time to eat, he's at the table trying to get everyone's attention...he'll say "Fill in the Blank, Come On!"
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Sienna is Six
My baby girl is getting bigger! She has been really excited about this birthday. She has been talking about/planning what kind of cake she wanted for the past two months. She was right by my side for every step of making her cake. She was so proud of herself because I let her use the beaters and crack the eggs! She wanted a coconut cake...and even though she didn't think it was all that great...it was a super delicious yummy cake...really incredible (did I say that the cake was good and it was four layers!?)
She got a few things that she wanted...a scooter and some sparkle littlest pet shops as well as a necklace making kit and some piano books. She has been wanting to take piano lessons, so I got her a set of very very beginner books...we'll see how it goes!
She is an exuberant little girl. She is a great help in keeping Logan entertained (although sometimes that is a love/hate relationship) and tries so hard to help me with Corbin (Unfortunately, too often I have to tell her to stop! But she does get to feed him quite a bit!) Sometimes I sense her frustration at being the youngest of "the girls"...she finds herself in between the "bigs" and the "littles" and just doesn't know what to do!
She got a few things that she wanted...a scooter and some sparkle littlest pet shops as well as a necklace making kit and some piano books. She has been wanting to take piano lessons, so I got her a set of very very beginner books...we'll see how it goes!
She is an exuberant little girl. She is a great help in keeping Logan entertained (although sometimes that is a love/hate relationship) and tries so hard to help me with Corbin (Unfortunately, too often I have to tell her to stop! But she does get to feed him quite a bit!) Sometimes I sense her frustration at being the youngest of "the girls"...she finds herself in between the "bigs" and the "littles" and just doesn't know what to do!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Weekend Edition
We had our last soccer games on Saturday. It was a great season for Jenessa's team...they were undefeated. She played goalie every games...sometimes for half and sometimes for the whole game. She had a fun time and is always sad when a sports season ends.
Sienna is a little go-getter on the soccer field. She loves to keep track of how many goals the team has and does a good job of helping that number go up! She'll be back next season for sure!
Logan had fun and did great and keeping up with the herd (because it was Pee-Wee soccer and that is basically what happens...the herd chases the ball!) I made a few mistakes on the timing of a couple of games...but thankfully he is young enough that he wasn't too upset that he missed them!
Kessiah and Jenessa also had a piano recital on Saturday (which caused Logan to miss another game...SORRY!) They have enjoyed their piano teacher and it has been working out well to drop them off while I take everyone else to the library for storytime.
Sienna is a little go-getter on the soccer field. She loves to keep track of how many goals the team has and does a good job of helping that number go up! She'll be back next season for sure!
Logan had fun and did great and keeping up with the herd (because it was Pee-Wee soccer and that is basically what happens...the herd chases the ball!) I made a few mistakes on the timing of a couple of games...but thankfully he is young enough that he wasn't too upset that he missed them!
Kessiah and Jenessa also had a piano recital on Saturday (which caused Logan to miss another game...SORRY!) They have enjoyed their piano teacher and it has been working out well to drop them off while I take everyone else to the library for storytime.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Five for Friday
1. We woke up to snow Monday morning! It was a beautiful sight with a couple of inches all over! The four oldest went out to play for a little while and then came in for some hot chocolate....so...of course, school got started a little late!
2. On Tuesday afternoon Sienna started complaining that her ear hurt. I gave her some Tylenol and she seemed better until that evening when she was in misery. I even called Ryan home early from his meeting to give me some backup and a second opinion. The next morning Ryan took her to the doctor where she was diagnosed with a bad ear infection. The doctor cleaned out her ear (which she hated!) and sent her home with an antibiotic prescription. We haven't had an ear infection in this house in years!
3. Ryan had Thursday off work this week...since Veteran's Day is on a Friday and he works a 4 day week...he got Thursday off for the holiday.
4. Jenessa and I went and got our hair cut at a local beauty college on Thursday morning. I got 7 inches cut off and it is still well below my shoulders! Jenessa got a few inches cut off and it makes her hair look so much better and healthier!
5. Corbin has been sleeping MUCH better lately. He has slept through the night several times and if he does wake up, he only cries for less than 20 minutes before falling asleep! Yeah!
2. On Tuesday afternoon Sienna started complaining that her ear hurt. I gave her some Tylenol and she seemed better until that evening when she was in misery. I even called Ryan home early from his meeting to give me some backup and a second opinion. The next morning Ryan took her to the doctor where she was diagnosed with a bad ear infection. The doctor cleaned out her ear (which she hated!) and sent her home with an antibiotic prescription. We haven't had an ear infection in this house in years!
3. Ryan had Thursday off work this week...since Veteran's Day is on a Friday and he works a 4 day week...he got Thursday off for the holiday.
4. Jenessa and I went and got our hair cut at a local beauty college on Thursday morning. I got 7 inches cut off and it is still well below my shoulders! Jenessa got a few inches cut off and it makes her hair look so much better and healthier!
5. Corbin has been sleeping MUCH better lately. He has slept through the night several times and if he does wake up, he only cries for less than 20 minutes before falling asleep! Yeah!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Five for Friday
1. Halloween: The kids had fun at the trunk or treat held in our church parking lot. Ryan then took the four oldest around the block once we got home. Costumes this year were a cowgirl (Kessiah), Little Red Riding Hood (Jenessa), a fairy (Sienna), Tigger (Logan), Pooh Bear (Mason), and a football (Corbin).
2. My parents had to go back home on Tuesday morning. We had a fun weekend with them...soccer games, carving jack o'lanterns, making animal shapes out of roll dough, and Halloween. They also took the girls to gymnastics on Monday morning. We kept them busy and had a good time! My dad came to the realization that it has been 5 years since I have either not been pregnant at Halloween or had a young baby! It makes sense when you realize that I have 4 children that are 5 years old or younger!
3. Jenessa realized that she liked my homemade sloppy joes BETTER than Manwich! I finally tried making my own a couple of months ago because I really didn't enjoy the Manwich variety...but that was all I had ever made so Jenessa has been very resistant to trying it (in other words...she has refused...and I have make some Manwich whenever I made homemade to make her happy!) So...that makes me happy since it helps me in my quest to make most things from scratch!
4. On Friday, we all went shopping and bought our Halloween costumes for next year...the only way I will buy Halloween costumes. It was fun...and a little crazy...I mean shopping with 6 children when all of them are excited and still on a sugar high from all the candy over the past week can be a little noisy!
5. Corbin had his 6 month appointment on Friday morning. He weighed in at 15 pounds 13 ounces (16%) and is 25 1/4 inches (4%)...Did you see that? He is at the 4th percentile for height!!!
2. My parents had to go back home on Tuesday morning. We had a fun weekend with them...soccer games, carving jack o'lanterns, making animal shapes out of roll dough, and Halloween. They also took the girls to gymnastics on Monday morning. We kept them busy and had a good time! My dad came to the realization that it has been 5 years since I have either not been pregnant at Halloween or had a young baby! It makes sense when you realize that I have 4 children that are 5 years old or younger!
3. Jenessa realized that she liked my homemade sloppy joes BETTER than Manwich! I finally tried making my own a couple of months ago because I really didn't enjoy the Manwich variety...but that was all I had ever made so Jenessa has been very resistant to trying it (in other words...she has refused...and I have make some Manwich whenever I made homemade to make her happy!) So...that makes me happy since it helps me in my quest to make most things from scratch!
4. On Friday, we all went shopping and bought our Halloween costumes for next year...the only way I will buy Halloween costumes. It was fun...and a little crazy...I mean shopping with 6 children when all of them are excited and still on a sugar high from all the candy over the past week can be a little noisy!
5. Corbin had his 6 month appointment on Friday morning. He weighed in at 15 pounds 13 ounces (16%) and is 25 1/4 inches (4%)...Did you see that? He is at the 4th percentile for height!!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Five for Friday
1. On Monday morning, I woke up with a cold along with Sienna and Mason. Having a cold plus having a baby who doesn't sleep through the night is NOT a good combination! Thankfully, Corbin slept through the night on Monday and Tuesday nights because I was exhausted! He didn't sleep through the night the rest of the week...but at least he gave me two nights!
2. I had to take another look at our daily schedule Monday evening. We were doing school until 5:00 on Monday afternoon (and Kessiah still didn't get everything done!). So I have now set another timer on my phone to get us moving after quiet reading time in the afternoon (because sometimes, we just keep reading...which isn't really a bad thing unless you have other things that need to be done!)
3. Sienna discovered she had her first loose tooth at the beginning of the week, by the end of the week she couldn't take it anymore and on Friday morning she talked Ryan into pulling it out for her. He got out the floss and out it came! She was very excited since this was her first loose tooth! (She is missing a top tooth that the dentist pulled a couple of months ago because it was starting to abcess)
4. My parents arrived for a visit on Thursday afternoon, we have been very excited to have them come.
5. And since Halloween is quickly approaching, we loaded up 4 of our children (the youngest two got to stay with Nana and Papa) and went to the grocery store where we bought 7 pumpkins! Because at our house we each have to have our own! We got one out of our garden that will be Corbin's...we had to buy one for the rest of us!
2. I had to take another look at our daily schedule Monday evening. We were doing school until 5:00 on Monday afternoon (and Kessiah still didn't get everything done!). So I have now set another timer on my phone to get us moving after quiet reading time in the afternoon (because sometimes, we just keep reading...which isn't really a bad thing unless you have other things that need to be done!)
3. Sienna discovered she had her first loose tooth at the beginning of the week, by the end of the week she couldn't take it anymore and on Friday morning she talked Ryan into pulling it out for her. He got out the floss and out it came! She was very excited since this was her first loose tooth! (She is missing a top tooth that the dentist pulled a couple of months ago because it was starting to abcess)
4. My parents arrived for a visit on Thursday afternoon, we have been very excited to have them come.
5. And since Halloween is quickly approaching, we loaded up 4 of our children (the youngest two got to stay with Nana and Papa) and went to the grocery store where we bought 7 pumpkins! Because at our house we each have to have our own! We got one out of our garden that will be Corbin's...we had to buy one for the rest of us!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Six Months
This little bundle of cuteness has hit the half year mark! He likes to roll from his back to his stomach...not so much the other way. He has started holding onto toys. He chews on anything he can get to his mouth...his fists are usually very handy! And he has become fascinated with his hands! I love this stage when they sit and move their hands while staring at them like they are the most incredible thing they have ever seen!
His smiles come easily which makes him a joy to be around! If only we could get him to sleep through the night...he might be perfect!!
His smiles come easily which makes him a joy to be around! If only we could get him to sleep through the night...he might be perfect!!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Five (or Six) for Friday (San Diego)
OK, so it is really Sunday as I write this...but it is a wrap-up of our great week in San Diego so I'm still calling it my Five for Friday!
1. We left on Monday morning. The kids were so excited...Sunday evening it felt like Christmas Eve and Monday morning they were up at 5:30 ready to go! The trip there was a little rough at first...Sienna was complaining of a headache (probably from not enough sleep!) and Jenessa got carsick because of the curvy road we took. Thankfully, she was sitting in the middle so we could roll down the window when she threw up!
3. Wednesday we went to the San Diego Zoo...pandas, koalas, beluga whales and baby monkeys were some of our favorites. We enjoyed the double decker bus ride and the tower ride (although I had to close my eyes on the way up...I composed myself enough to open them for the way back down). We went to one show at the zoo...Mason did NOT want to go down into the seating area...it was too much like the SeaWorld and he thought he was going to get wet. Mason kept trying to hide behind me and Ryan during the entire show! We sat down on the first row which was really neat because we were so close to the sea lion and the wolf in the show.
5. Friday we stopped by the San Diego temple (beautiful!) on the way to Coronado Beach. Coronado Beach is on an island...we had to cross a BIG bridge to get to it (I don't think I've ever been on a bridge so big...it actually started to make me sick!) Kessiah collected a whole bucket of shells, she found several unbroken ones including some nice sand dollars.
6. It was a fun week! We happily survived taking our 6 kids on vacation. Nothing was very crowded since we were there in October. Kessiah wanted to know if we could go to San Diego every fall break! The weather was a little cool in the mornings but warmed up in the afternoons. Since Corbin still isn't sleeping through the night, I had to get up often with him during the night so he wouldn't wake anyone up. Amazingly though I wasn't too tired during the days we were there.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Five for Friday
1. I should learn not to leave the Desitin in easily accessible places! There is a daybed in the boy's room where I lay a towel down and change diapers...so I have all the diaper stuff on the bed...including the Desitin. I took Mason in there one night this week to get him ready for bed and found Desitin spread all over the bedspread (he obviously had a lot of fun!) I looked at him and said "Did you do this?" and he got a very guilty look on his face that answered my question!
2. Corbin has got the hang of the bottle! Finally! I've let the kid's help me feed him occasionally when my attention could really be used elsewhere...but in reality I hate to give up those moments with Corbin! They all love the opportunity to feed him, even Logan has done it (although he gets bored halfway through the bottle or else tries to stuff the entire bottle in Corbin's mouth!)
3. I have given up trying to get Corbin to sleep through the night! I have tried for the past 6-8 weeks or so to let him cry himself back to sleep in the middle of the night...but the fact is that he just doesn't! And I'm tired of losing 1-2 hours of sleep every night while I listen to him cry. So, I decided to just get up and feed him (he just wakes up once) then he goes right back to sleep and so do I...we both get more sleep at night this way! Someday, he will sleep all night (I hope!)
4. The weather was back to being beautiful this week. So after getting out all the long-sleeved shirts and jeans last week...the girls were back in short-sleeved shirts and capris!
5. Logan and Mason have have really benefited from us spending a couple of evenings every week at the park for Jenessa's soccer practices. I've been bringing Logan's bike that he got for his birthday, he loves riding around on the sidewalks around the play area. The first several practices I was able to keep Mason on the grassy area where they hold the soccer practices, we would kick balls or play with toy vehicles that I would bring. But then he noticed all the kids were around the playground so he found his way over there. At first I was able to keep him on the little slide. But the past couple of practices he has found his way past me to the high slides...he does manage them ok...my problem is the opening nearby where he could potentially fall! It makes me a little crazy!
2. Corbin has got the hang of the bottle! Finally! I've let the kid's help me feed him occasionally when my attention could really be used elsewhere...but in reality I hate to give up those moments with Corbin! They all love the opportunity to feed him, even Logan has done it (although he gets bored halfway through the bottle or else tries to stuff the entire bottle in Corbin's mouth!)
3. I have given up trying to get Corbin to sleep through the night! I have tried for the past 6-8 weeks or so to let him cry himself back to sleep in the middle of the night...but the fact is that he just doesn't! And I'm tired of losing 1-2 hours of sleep every night while I listen to him cry. So, I decided to just get up and feed him (he just wakes up once) then he goes right back to sleep and so do I...we both get more sleep at night this way! Someday, he will sleep all night (I hope!)
4. The weather was back to being beautiful this week. So after getting out all the long-sleeved shirts and jeans last week...the girls were back in short-sleeved shirts and capris!
5. Logan and Mason have have really benefited from us spending a couple of evenings every week at the park for Jenessa's soccer practices. I've been bringing Logan's bike that he got for his birthday, he loves riding around on the sidewalks around the play area. The first several practices I was able to keep Mason on the grassy area where they hold the soccer practices, we would kick balls or play with toy vehicles that I would bring. But then he noticed all the kids were around the playground so he found his way over there. At first I was able to keep him on the little slide. But the past couple of practices he has found his way past me to the high slides...he does manage them ok...my problem is the opening nearby where he could potentially fall! It makes me a little crazy!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Five for Friday
1. The tooth fairy around here can be a little forgetful at times! Jenessa lost a tooth on Monday evening and when she woke up on Tuesday morning....her tooth was still under her pillow. Of course, there were tears...but we convinced her to put her tooth back and try again on Tuesday night. Thankfully, the tooth fairy was on the ball that night! Unfortunately, the same thing happened the last time she lost a tooth as well!
2. Corbin has been enjoying his veggies this week! He has tried squash and carrots...yummy! He also continues to get some oatmeal before going to bed.
3. We have been rather frustrated with Corbin's stubborness in taking a bottle...he just wouldn't do it! Last Saturday Ryan decided we should buy a different bottle to try...so we did...and we are seeing some success! The first few days, he was still stubborn at first but he finally drank 2 ounces. By Friday (today) he will happily drink 4 ounces at a time before going to bed.
4. It suddenly turned cold during the middle of this week so the kids were begging to get out the jeans and long-sleeved shirts. It was fun for them to get a new wardrobe! I've been looking on ebay to help fill in the missing gaps.
5. On Friday for lunch we went to Golden Corral...it was our celebration for finishing the Book of Mormon as a family. (Does anyone else see the humor...Golden Corral for finishing the Gold Plates!) The kids came home stuffed. Sienna was thrilled to see that they had cotton candy...I think my kids ate 4 of them! I was happy to hear Kessiah tell me that my meatloaf was better than theirs!
2. Corbin has been enjoying his veggies this week! He has tried squash and carrots...yummy! He also continues to get some oatmeal before going to bed.
3. We have been rather frustrated with Corbin's stubborness in taking a bottle...he just wouldn't do it! Last Saturday Ryan decided we should buy a different bottle to try...so we did...and we are seeing some success! The first few days, he was still stubborn at first but he finally drank 2 ounces. By Friday (today) he will happily drink 4 ounces at a time before going to bed.
4. It suddenly turned cold during the middle of this week so the kids were begging to get out the jeans and long-sleeved shirts. It was fun for them to get a new wardrobe! I've been looking on ebay to help fill in the missing gaps.
5. On Friday for lunch we went to Golden Corral...it was our celebration for finishing the Book of Mormon as a family. (Does anyone else see the humor...Golden Corral for finishing the Gold Plates!) The kids came home stuffed. Sienna was thrilled to see that they had cotton candy...I think my kids ate 4 of them! I was happy to hear Kessiah tell me that my meatloaf was better than theirs!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Weekend Edition
We went to the fair on Friday, we just walked around and looked at the exhibits and the animals. We told the kids we weren't going on any rides since we are planning on going to San Diego in a few weeks. Kessiah and Jenessa won blue ribbons for their entries, Jenessa really wanted to win a BIG ribbon with sparkles!
We had soccer games in the morning and then some of us enjoyed the afternoon session of General Conference, Kessiah had a birthday party during that time...so she was enjoying some time with friends.
During the priesthood session I had Kessiah and Jenessa help me get breakfast ready for Sunday morning. We made cinnamon rolls and a breakfast casserole
Sunday was spent watching General Conference in our pajamas! The kids were pretty good as they worked on their conference worksheets. They also enjoyed a new activity...snickers and kisses! They got a small snickers bar if a speaker or the audience laughed and a Hersey's kiss if there were tears. I had to limit it to one snickers and one kiss per speaker since sometimes their were multiple moments of laughter in one talk! We also enjoyed our traditional ice cream sundaes in the family room during the Sunday afternoon session.
But the biggest news of the weekend is that we finished the Book of Mormon as a family!!!! We have been working on it for years! But we keep plugging away...we tend to be inconsistent when I'm pregnant (I'm inconsistent with everything when I'm pregnant!) but we always get going again! Lately, we have each been reading 2 verses with Sienna and Logan each repeating one verse. Sometimes Sienna will try to read...if she's in the mood. We were very excited as we read the last verses this evening!
We had soccer games in the morning and then some of us enjoyed the afternoon session of General Conference, Kessiah had a birthday party during that time...so she was enjoying some time with friends.
During the priesthood session I had Kessiah and Jenessa help me get breakfast ready for Sunday morning. We made cinnamon rolls and a breakfast casserole
Sunday was spent watching General Conference in our pajamas! The kids were pretty good as they worked on their conference worksheets. They also enjoyed a new activity...snickers and kisses! They got a small snickers bar if a speaker or the audience laughed and a Hersey's kiss if there were tears. I had to limit it to one snickers and one kiss per speaker since sometimes their were multiple moments of laughter in one talk! We also enjoyed our traditional ice cream sundaes in the family room during the Sunday afternoon session.
But the biggest news of the weekend is that we finished the Book of Mormon as a family!!!! We have been working on it for years! But we keep plugging away...we tend to be inconsistent when I'm pregnant (I'm inconsistent with everything when I'm pregnant!) but we always get going again! Lately, we have each been reading 2 verses with Sienna and Logan each repeating one verse. Sometimes Sienna will try to read...if she's in the mood. We were very excited as we read the last verses this evening!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Five for Friday
1. On Tuesday Mason had an appointment with a pediatric ophthalmologist. We have noticed over the past 6 months that one of his eyes seems to wander a bit, we thought it was probably related to his torticolis (which the doctor confirmed). It looks like we will need to take him to Phoenix for a small surgery (I'm not sure how any surgery on a 2 year old is "small" but the actual procedure should only take about 15 minutes).
2. Kessiah recently did a small weaving project as part of an art lesson for school. Since then she has been weaving like crazy! Soon everyone in our family (and maybe some lucky ones not in our family!) will have a bookmark crafted by Kessiah! I love it when they expand on the things that they learn in school.
3. Kessiah and Jenessa turned in some projects for the fair this week. I did not get my act together in time to help Sienna, Logan, and Mason get anything together (that was probably related to the fair being cancelled due to bankrupty...then the "unfair" being organized...I guess I was still stuck on it being cancelled). But Kessiah turned in a few handicraft projects (including one of her woven bookmarks!) and Jenessa turned in a recently discovered marshmallow fudge recipe that we like.
4. Mason is a budding artist. He isn't too picky about his materials...pens, crayons, or pencils...whatever is handy. He likes to show his style on his legs and belly. Pen works really well! He makes fresh additions to these areas on a daily basis. He also really likes to help illustrate books (I'm sorry to the local public library...we really try to keep him under control!)
5. We finished our first read-aloud book for this school year. It was kind of hard to get back in the habit of doing that. I can never seem to keep that up when I am pregnant (I don't know why, it seems like it would be easy to sit on the couch and read a book out loud to my kids...but everything is hard for me when I'm pregnant!) We read Under The Same Stars by Dean Hughes, we are continuing the story with the sequel to the book.
2. Kessiah recently did a small weaving project as part of an art lesson for school. Since then she has been weaving like crazy! Soon everyone in our family (and maybe some lucky ones not in our family!) will have a bookmark crafted by Kessiah! I love it when they expand on the things that they learn in school.
3. Kessiah and Jenessa turned in some projects for the fair this week. I did not get my act together in time to help Sienna, Logan, and Mason get anything together (that was probably related to the fair being cancelled due to bankrupty...then the "unfair" being organized...I guess I was still stuck on it being cancelled). But Kessiah turned in a few handicraft projects (including one of her woven bookmarks!) and Jenessa turned in a recently discovered marshmallow fudge recipe that we like.
4. Mason is a budding artist. He isn't too picky about his materials...pens, crayons, or pencils...whatever is handy. He likes to show his style on his legs and belly. Pen works really well! He makes fresh additions to these areas on a daily basis. He also really likes to help illustrate books (I'm sorry to the local public library...we really try to keep him under control!)
5. We finished our first read-aloud book for this school year. It was kind of hard to get back in the habit of doing that. I can never seem to keep that up when I am pregnant (I don't know why, it seems like it would be easy to sit on the couch and read a book out loud to my kids...but everything is hard for me when I'm pregnant!) We read Under The Same Stars by Dean Hughes, we are continuing the story with the sequel to the book.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
5 months old!
My baby is getting so big (but still not sleeping through the night!)
He has mastered the art of rolling from his back to his stomach...and he will usually be happy on his belly for several minutes before he starts calling for help! He likes to stand up on my lap while I hold onto his hands.
He enjoys his oatmeal every evening. I have added some applesauce to it occasionally.
He is just so cute and adored by everyone in this house! Sienna has decided that he is the cutest baby in the universe!
He has mastered the art of rolling from his back to his stomach...and he will usually be happy on his belly for several minutes before he starts calling for help! He likes to stand up on my lap while I hold onto his hands.
He enjoys his oatmeal every evening. I have added some applesauce to it occasionally.
He is just so cute and adored by everyone in this house! Sienna has decided that he is the cutest baby in the universe!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Five for Friday
1. Our first week back at piano lessons. Kessiah is very excited to get back into it. Jenessa was very upset with me for scheduling it at the same time as library time. However, after the lesson...they both came out with smiling faces...it was all good. Jenessa couldn't stop smiling, she said her cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling! And she thanked me for getting her back in piano! She even said she might not miss going to the library too much!
2. Corbin is stubborn! I have been trying for weeks to get that kid to take a bottle...I make a bottle every day and he just refuses to suck on that thing! I finally resorted this week to spoon feeding him some formula this week....just to get him used to the taste! I've spoon fed him formula three this week! I started putting some applesauce in his oatmeal this week...he doesn't seem to like it better or worse...he just eats it. I'm still working on keeping most of it in his mouth. Feeding time is so messy at this stage! He decided that this week he was not going to sleep to the night...any night!
3. Another (more positive) Corbin note...he is rolling from his back to his stomach! Go Corbin! He has also found his feet and likes to grab and hold on to them.
4. On Wednesday, soon after we arrived at Jenessa's soccer practice I could tell that Sienna was in a bit of a mood. So, I offered to let her watch a movie in the car...unfortunately, I went too long without starting the car to give it a little charge and I drained the battery! Yep, my car wouldn't start. Ryan was at citizen's academy...but I was hoping he wasn't too busy at the moment. I got lucky, he was able to break away and come and get me started! Whew!
5. Ryan cleaned our front room carpet on Friday...it was way past needing to be cleaned. It looks soooo much better! Unfortunately, the cleaner broke when he was working on the family room.
2. Corbin is stubborn! I have been trying for weeks to get that kid to take a bottle...I make a bottle every day and he just refuses to suck on that thing! I finally resorted this week to spoon feeding him some formula this week....just to get him used to the taste! I've spoon fed him formula three this week! I started putting some applesauce in his oatmeal this week...he doesn't seem to like it better or worse...he just eats it. I'm still working on keeping most of it in his mouth. Feeding time is so messy at this stage! He decided that this week he was not going to sleep to the night...any night!
3. Another (more positive) Corbin note...he is rolling from his back to his stomach! Go Corbin! He has also found his feet and likes to grab and hold on to them.
4. On Wednesday, soon after we arrived at Jenessa's soccer practice I could tell that Sienna was in a bit of a mood. So, I offered to let her watch a movie in the car...unfortunately, I went too long without starting the car to give it a little charge and I drained the battery! Yep, my car wouldn't start. Ryan was at citizen's academy...but I was hoping he wasn't too busy at the moment. I got lucky, he was able to break away and come and get me started! Whew!
5. Ryan cleaned our front room carpet on Friday...it was way past needing to be cleaned. It looks soooo much better! Unfortunately, the cleaner broke when he was working on the family room.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Five for Friday
1. Corbin slept through the night for 4 nights in a row this week! Yeah!!!! I feel great! It's amazing what 4 good nights of sleep can do for you! Yesterday he rolled from his back to his stomach...it took him a LONG time to do it, but he did! It was kind of interesting watching him...I wondered if Heavenly Father sometimes finds it interesting to watch us as we try to do new things.
2. Soccer practices kept getting cancelled at the beginning of the week...but it looks like it will be a nice weekend.
3. Sienna has been learning how to count by 2's and 5's. She is now learning to read four letter words...it won't be long until she can read some real books...she pretends to read books way above her level all the time!
4. I finally got us set up with a piano teacher. Our teacher moved in January...with my pregnancy, I just couldn't get on the ball and find a new one. When school started, I began trying to find someone. Our last teacher came to our home to teach Kessiah, I really didn't think it would be that hard to find someone to do that again. But it turned out to be difficult...even impossible! So, I found someone who comes to me highly recommended by 2 different piano teachers that I wanted. I plan on dropping Kessiah and Jenessa off while I take the younger 4 kiddos to story time at the library. The timing should work out just fine and since we are gone during that time anyway I won't have to take extra hours out of our week for lessons.
5. On Monday at gymnastics, Logan moved up to the next class! He has been in the Tot 1 class...the class where the mom participates. That is great progress for him...especially after last year. Last year he stuck right by my side and wouldn't let the teacher help him at all. After taking the summer off he came back to gymnastics like he was a new kid! He has been quite independent and let the teacher help him on the bar. She suggested that we try to move him up and I agreed...he did great. Now I'm in the Tot 1 class with Mason (and Corbin, of course...because he goes where I go!)
2. Soccer practices kept getting cancelled at the beginning of the week...but it looks like it will be a nice weekend.
3. Sienna has been learning how to count by 2's and 5's. She is now learning to read four letter words...it won't be long until she can read some real books...she pretends to read books way above her level all the time!
4. I finally got us set up with a piano teacher. Our teacher moved in January...with my pregnancy, I just couldn't get on the ball and find a new one. When school started, I began trying to find someone. Our last teacher came to our home to teach Kessiah, I really didn't think it would be that hard to find someone to do that again. But it turned out to be difficult...even impossible! So, I found someone who comes to me highly recommended by 2 different piano teachers that I wanted. I plan on dropping Kessiah and Jenessa off while I take the younger 4 kiddos to story time at the library. The timing should work out just fine and since we are gone during that time anyway I won't have to take extra hours out of our week for lessons.
5. On Monday at gymnastics, Logan moved up to the next class! He has been in the Tot 1 class...the class where the mom participates. That is great progress for him...especially after last year. Last year he stuck right by my side and wouldn't let the teacher help him at all. After taking the summer off he came back to gymnastics like he was a new kid! He has been quite independent and let the teacher help him on the bar. She suggested that we try to move him up and I agreed...he did great. Now I'm in the Tot 1 class with Mason (and Corbin, of course...because he goes where I go!)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
10 years ago, my generation had a "where were you when it happened" moment. I was at a playgroup that morning with Kessiah. There were about 4-5 other moms there and several kiddos. We heard what had happened and turned the t.v. on but I didn't of course understand the full story until I got home and later than afternoon watched more footage and news reports. I was pretty much glued to the t.v. for several hours...and days (I would never be able to do that now, it would upset my children too much)
That evening as Ryan and I were watching the news, Kessiah took her first steps. We were eating chips and salsa on the floor and she wanted a chip...and took a step to try to get one!
I cried every day for 2 weeks as I watched more footage and read stories about what happened. My heart broke for people who had lost children, husbands, wives, and friends. Tears come to my eyes even as I write this...it was a profound event.
Ryan is now at a 9/11 memorial event that the town sponsors. He took Kessiah and Jenessa with him...they usually jump at the chance to go everywhere with him. It is interesting to try to explain what happened to them. Just before they left Kessiah came to the realization that the people who got on those planes to do this also died...she couldn't understand why they would do that. As much as I want nothing that bad to ever happen again, I realize that it might, could....will happen again. What will be the "where were you when it happened" moment for my children?
Saturday, September 10, 2011
17 years and counting
We have been married 17 years today...what an incredible blessing Ryan has been in my life! While we weren't able to do anything just the two of us...I was reflecting on all he does for me and our family. Sometimes it's all about the little things...like bringing home mini pumpkin muffins from Sam's Club for breakfast on Sunday morning (I love those things!) or getting Logan and Mason in the bathtub tonight without me even asking him to do it.
And I did love the flowers he brought home this evening! Beautiful!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Five for Friday
1. We are officially into soccer season. Jenessa, Sienna and Logan are all playing this season. Yes, it's a little tricky getting everyone to practices. Logan probaby won't make it to very many, but I keep telling myself it's not a big deal...he is in peewee...he just needs to have fun! Ryan reminds me that he is just in it for the snacks after the games anyway! Everyone has had fun at Jenessa's practices...there is a playground right next to the field...so everyone comes home good and tired!
2. Ryan helped me make a homemade key lime pie on Labor Day. Yummy! Smooth and delicious! Jenessa has added it to her list of favorite foods and wants to know if I'll make it for Thanksgiving! We have bought frozen ones from the store before, but I've never made one. I had a bunch of limes from bountiful baskets and decided to try making one...success!
3. Sienna finished her Hooked on Phonics yellow book. I love teaching my kids to read! It's so fun to see them learn!
4. I've been giving Corbin his oatmeal every evening. After some rough nights after I moved him into our closet he is sleeping better....which means I'm able to function better! I'm not sure if he's sleeping better because of the oatmeal, or because he's not sleeping right next to me, or that I got tough and won't feed him in the middle of the night anymore...I'll just be glad that he is sleeping!
5. Logan drew on his bedroom wall on Thursday with orange crayon (his walls are blue+orange crayon=his 2 favorite colors!) While I was making him wipe it off Kessiah told me how she remembered writing on my bedroom wall when she was about that age (I remember it too...I was pregnant...and NOT happy about it!) she said she remembered thinking how much I was going to like her artwork on the wall! That struck me as so funny...a little kid drawing on the wall thinking to herself "My mom is going to love this picture!"
2. Ryan helped me make a homemade key lime pie on Labor Day. Yummy! Smooth and delicious! Jenessa has added it to her list of favorite foods and wants to know if I'll make it for Thanksgiving! We have bought frozen ones from the store before, but I've never made one. I had a bunch of limes from bountiful baskets and decided to try making one...success!
3. Sienna finished her Hooked on Phonics yellow book. I love teaching my kids to read! It's so fun to see them learn!
4. I've been giving Corbin his oatmeal every evening. After some rough nights after I moved him into our closet he is sleeping better....which means I'm able to function better! I'm not sure if he's sleeping better because of the oatmeal, or because he's not sleeping right next to me, or that I got tough and won't feed him in the middle of the night anymore...I'll just be glad that he is sleeping!
5. Logan drew on his bedroom wall on Thursday with orange crayon (his walls are blue+orange crayon=his 2 favorite colors!) While I was making him wipe it off Kessiah told me how she remembered writing on my bedroom wall when she was about that age (I remember it too...I was pregnant...and NOT happy about it!) she said she remembered thinking how much I was going to like her artwork on the wall! That struck me as so funny...a little kid drawing on the wall thinking to herself "My mom is going to love this picture!"
Monday, August 29, 2011
Our Routine/Schedule
I was in the mother's lounge at church with another mom who was asking me some questions about homeschooling...she wanted to know our routine...how I made it work...the logistics. I have it all written out but I've never talked it out with someone.
So, this is basically how we are making it work...some things are still a work in progress, some areas need to be improved or changed.
I do my morning stuff until 8:30 when we do a short devotional. After that we do some morning chores.
9:15: Kessiah and Jenessa do some subjects they can do independantly while I do "table time" with Sienna and Logan. This is when I do some kindergarten with Sienna (math, handwriting, some phonics). Logan does some worksheets as well, mostly because he wants to do whatever Sienna is doing. And Mason has been insisting on sitting in his chair and coloring on a worksheet as well.
10:00: Sienna and Logan get a snack and go outside for a bit and then play inside while I work with Kessiah and Jenessa on anything they need help with.
We eat lunch around 12:30...Ryan is almost always able to join us. Logan and Mason take naps. Kessiah and Jenessa do 45 minutes of quiet reading time. Sienna has struggled with what to do during this time even though she has a box of quiet activities she can do...but she is gradually starting to read more of her Hooked on Phonics readers and BOB books. When they are done...we have Mommy reading time...when I read a from a chapter book.
Afternoon: Kessiah and Jenessa do Science or History/Art...whatever they have scheduled for that day. Sienna will sometimes do some additional school, sometimes she just plays. Everyone has free time when school is done. We also do various extra curricular activities depending on the season...Soccer is coming up for us now!
Evening: On an ideal evening after scriptures and prayer...Ryan reads to Kessiah and Jenessa. I read a couple of books to Sienna, Logan and Mason...then put the boys to bed. If Ryan is still reading Sienna and I do some Hooked on Phonics.
So, that is about it...it looks so simple in black and white!
So, this is basically how we are making it work...some things are still a work in progress, some areas need to be improved or changed.
I do my morning stuff until 8:30 when we do a short devotional. After that we do some morning chores.
9:15: Kessiah and Jenessa do some subjects they can do independantly while I do "table time" with Sienna and Logan. This is when I do some kindergarten with Sienna (math, handwriting, some phonics). Logan does some worksheets as well, mostly because he wants to do whatever Sienna is doing. And Mason has been insisting on sitting in his chair and coloring on a worksheet as well.
10:00: Sienna and Logan get a snack and go outside for a bit and then play inside while I work with Kessiah and Jenessa on anything they need help with.
We eat lunch around 12:30...Ryan is almost always able to join us. Logan and Mason take naps. Kessiah and Jenessa do 45 minutes of quiet reading time. Sienna has struggled with what to do during this time even though she has a box of quiet activities she can do...but she is gradually starting to read more of her Hooked on Phonics readers and BOB books. When they are done...we have Mommy reading time...when I read a from a chapter book.
Afternoon: Kessiah and Jenessa do Science or History/Art...whatever they have scheduled for that day. Sienna will sometimes do some additional school, sometimes she just plays. Everyone has free time when school is done. We also do various extra curricular activities depending on the season...Soccer is coming up for us now!
Evening: On an ideal evening after scriptures and prayer...Ryan reads to Kessiah and Jenessa. I read a couple of books to Sienna, Logan and Mason...then put the boys to bed. If Ryan is still reading Sienna and I do some Hooked on Phonics.
So, that is about it...it looks so simple in black and white!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Logan is 4!
Logan has been very excited for his birthday. A few weeks ago we were talking about the fact that is was August and he got very excited and thought it was his birthday that day...he had a hard time understanding why it was August but not his birthday!
It has been fun to see how having a boy can change the dynamics!
It has been fun to see how having a boy can change the dynamics!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
4 months
Corbin is 4 months old now! It has been a sleepless month! I'm not sure what happened, he slept so good while we were on vacation in July...but the past few weeks he has been waking up several times each night. I'm exhausted! So, I moved the portacrib where he sleeps from next to my bed to our closet to see if that helps. The sad thing about that is that it's not as easy just to walk into my bedroom when I know he is sleeping and gaze at his adorable sleeping face. Awww...it makes me feel like my baby is getting bigger!
He has rolled from his back to his side several times...but not all the way over. He is a happy, smiley little guy! He loves to wiggle...I knew before he was born that he was going to be active...but I have not ever had a baby wiggle around on the floor like he does!
Corbin got his first taste of "real" food today. I am usually reluctant to start feeding solids...but I have been ready for a week to get this little guy going! I have always done rice cereal first...but I kept forgetting to buy some, I still had some oatmeal in the cupboard from Mason...so that's what he got!
He has rolled from his back to his side several times...but not all the way over. He is a happy, smiley little guy! He loves to wiggle...I knew before he was born that he was going to be active...but I have not ever had a baby wiggle around on the floor like he does!
Corbin got his first taste of "real" food today. I am usually reluctant to start feeding solids...but I have been ready for a week to get this little guy going! I have always done rice cereal first...but I kept forgetting to buy some, I still had some oatmeal in the cupboard from Mason...so that's what he got!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
August Swimming Lessons
We completed a session of swimming lessons this evening. Kessiah, Jenessa, Sienna, and Logan were all taking lessons...and all did very well. Kessiah and Jenessa passed their levels and can move up the next time we take lessons...which means they will be in the 12 foot diving pool! Exciting stuff!
I put Mason in the child care area that is available for 4 of the 8 lessons. It made it much easier for me since I was never really sure what Corbin was going to be like.
I put Mason in the child care area that is available for 4 of the 8 lessons. It made it much easier for me since I was never really sure what Corbin was going to be like.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
6 Kids
I really do love the looks I get sometimes when people realize I have 6 kids....and then when they realize that I homeschool...and I'm still smiling (most of the time!)
People sometimes comment on how much patience I must have...not true! Here's how I see it...I get plenty of chances to get it wrong and hopefully more chances to get it right!
Yes, it's hard and sometimes exhausting. But I always feel so blessed every year when public school starts that I don't have to send my children away for the best part of the day. I love having them home, knowing what they are learning and doing. We don't live in a bubble, my kids get lots of opportunities to be around other kids in many kinds of situations.
I felt like after Mason was born I really had to step it up in the organization department and I'm feeling that again. I remember reading somewhere that a mom said she wished she could grow a new pair of arms with every child she had and then she realized that she did! She just had to train them! We have been working on that for the past few years. I really think that having our cleaning routines saved our house during my last pregnancy! Now I'm just trying to get us to do a better job at what we are already doing instead of just scraping by!
I don't remember signing up to be a mom of 6, but it is what I am...and it is a situation that stretches me in so many ways. I am grateful for the way it forces me to be humble and depend on the Spirit for help, guidance and inspiration.
People sometimes comment on how much patience I must have...not true! Here's how I see it...I get plenty of chances to get it wrong and hopefully more chances to get it right!
Yes, it's hard and sometimes exhausting. But I always feel so blessed every year when public school starts that I don't have to send my children away for the best part of the day. I love having them home, knowing what they are learning and doing. We don't live in a bubble, my kids get lots of opportunities to be around other kids in many kinds of situations.
I felt like after Mason was born I really had to step it up in the organization department and I'm feeling that again. I remember reading somewhere that a mom said she wished she could grow a new pair of arms with every child she had and then she realized that she did! She just had to train them! We have been working on that for the past few years. I really think that having our cleaning routines saved our house during my last pregnancy! Now I'm just trying to get us to do a better job at what we are already doing instead of just scraping by!
I don't remember signing up to be a mom of 6, but it is what I am...and it is a situation that stretches me in so many ways. I am grateful for the way it forces me to be humble and depend on the Spirit for help, guidance and inspiration.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Kessiah has braces!
Kessiah got braces today...it turned into a nearly all day project...but she is home now and feeling pretty miserable. She has a pretty low pain tolerance. She says the braces aren't bothering her too bad but she has an expander in the roof of her mouth that is EXTREMELY annoying for her (I can't say I blame her for being uncomfortable with that). I'm sure I'll be handing out doses of Tylonol over the next few days, hopefully she can figure out some things she can and will eat.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Mason is 2!
Yep, 2 years ago I delivered a 9 pound baby boy who came 12 days early! I couldn't believe it! He has been a joy in our family...an easy going little guy...who is starting to get a 2 year old attitude! We love him to pieces!
Sienna's New Look
Sienna and I had both had it with her long hair...yes, it was beautiful when it was brushed...but brushing it always resulted in tears...and lots of them because her hair got so snarly! So, I took her to a local beauty college and got it cut...LOVE IT!! No more tears!
Today she had one of her front teeth pulled. She's had some issues with her front teeth for a couple of years and one of them was starting to abcess...so it needed to come out.
Today she had one of her front teeth pulled. She's had some issues with her front teeth for a couple of years and one of them was starting to abcess...so it needed to come out.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Toothbrush Drama
There is always drama at our house. There is usually some catasrophe (usually minor...but in their eyes it is major) about every 30 minutes.
Soon after I sent the kids down the hallway to get their pajamas on and their teeth brushed Kessiah came into the front room where I was sitting with tears streaming down her face and mumbling something that I could not understand! When she calmed down enough to talk I learned that someone had put soap on her toothbrush! The culprit turned out to be Logan who had put soap on everyones toothbrushes which of course caused more drama! I think he put the most on his own and was not successful at getting it out even after rinsing it out several times. He came crying to me twice complaining of soap in his mouth!
But I (probably because my toothbrush was not attacked) could see the humor in the situation.
Soon after I sent the kids down the hallway to get their pajamas on and their teeth brushed Kessiah came into the front room where I was sitting with tears streaming down her face and mumbling something that I could not understand! When she calmed down enough to talk I learned that someone had put soap on her toothbrush! The culprit turned out to be Logan who had put soap on everyones toothbrushes which of course caused more drama! I think he put the most on his own and was not successful at getting it out even after rinsing it out several times. He came crying to me twice complaining of soap in his mouth!
But I (probably because my toothbrush was not attacked) could see the humor in the situation.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
3 months old!
Wow! Time flies when you're having fun!
Corbin is 3 months old today. He is simply adorable and everyone loves him! He smiles easily, laughs often, loves to be held by mommy and is able to lift his head really good when on his tummy. He sometimes sleeps all night long, but not always! But I can't complain since he does let me sleep all night a few times a week!
Corbin is 3 months old today. He is simply adorable and everyone loves him! He smiles easily, laughs often, loves to be held by mommy and is able to lift his head really good when on his tummy. He sometimes sleeps all night long, but not always! But I can't complain since he does let me sleep all night a few times a week!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Summer Reading Program
We went to the last Summer Reading Program at the library today. It was a really good one with a woman who played Japanese (Korean and Chinese also) instruments. She began the program by playing drums and then began talking about the materials the drums were made from. The leather in her drums were from different animals...she had one drum that was covered in dog leather on one side and horse leather on the other. As soon as she started the discussion I knew where it was going and how it was going to end! Sienna is very sensitive to animals dying and she ended up crying into my chest for about 5 minutes before she could go back and sit down in the front with the other kids. Poor Girl!
We made it to all of the programs except the first one (I had a doctor appointment)...I thought that was pretty good considering I have 6 kids ages ten and under including a baby! This year they held the programs in a bigger room on the third floor...that helped me out tremendously! It gave Mason some space to run around since he was not interested in sitting and watching anything! Although he did enjoy dancing to any music that was played during several programs!
We made it to all of the programs except the first one (I had a doctor appointment)...I thought that was pretty good considering I have 6 kids ages ten and under including a baby! This year they held the programs in a bigger room on the third floor...that helped me out tremendously! It gave Mason some space to run around since he was not interested in sitting and watching anything! Although he did enjoy dancing to any music that was played during several programs!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Our Summer
We are ending our carefree summer and starting to get back into a school routine. We started some school this week...I like to get started early in order to give us some flexibility during the school year.
We did a session of swimming lessons in June. Everyone did very well. Kessiah got moved up to the next class during the first lesson...she was very excited about that. Jenessa and Sienna both were promoted at the end of the session. Logan did a great job, I think he has been the most comfortable of all of our children during their first try at swimming lessons. We are signed up for another session in August to help them continue to build on their skills. We went swimming as a family last weekend, I'm hoping we can do that a couple more times this month.
We have one more week of the summer reading program at the library. Logan was old enough to participate this year.
We've been meeting on Friday morning with a couple of other families (Patterson's and Dunbar's) for "Kid's Club" It's been a fun activity for the kids. This morning we went walking/hiking near the Highland Center...because of some trails the kids wanted to take we were out longer than we expected but they had a lot of fun together. Last week it was our turn to host...we did a history day. Everyone came dressed as a historical character and we played 20 questions to figure out who they were. Then in honor of Pioneer Day that is coming up we made covered wagons out of boxes and yarn dolls.
We've done well at keeping up with devotionals and zones this summer. It's just part of our routine now. We are still doing a bare bones devotional...I'm hoping to start building that back up.
We only made it to the park once this summer...between the heat, a nearly two-year-old, and a new baby...it was a hard activity for me right now.
The girls were signed up for gymnastics this summer, but we only made it to a couple of classes. Our regular class starts up again in August.
We did a session of swimming lessons in June. Everyone did very well. Kessiah got moved up to the next class during the first lesson...she was very excited about that. Jenessa and Sienna both were promoted at the end of the session. Logan did a great job, I think he has been the most comfortable of all of our children during their first try at swimming lessons. We are signed up for another session in August to help them continue to build on their skills. We went swimming as a family last weekend, I'm hoping we can do that a couple more times this month.
We have one more week of the summer reading program at the library. Logan was old enough to participate this year.
We've been meeting on Friday morning with a couple of other families (Patterson's and Dunbar's) for "Kid's Club" It's been a fun activity for the kids. This morning we went walking/hiking near the Highland Center...because of some trails the kids wanted to take we were out longer than we expected but they had a lot of fun together. Last week it was our turn to host...we did a history day. Everyone came dressed as a historical character and we played 20 questions to figure out who they were. Then in honor of Pioneer Day that is coming up we made covered wagons out of boxes and yarn dolls.
We've done well at keeping up with devotionals and zones this summer. It's just part of our routine now. We are still doing a bare bones devotional...I'm hoping to start building that back up.
We only made it to the park once this summer...between the heat, a nearly two-year-old, and a new baby...it was a hard activity for me right now.
The girls were signed up for gymnastics this summer, but we only made it to a couple of classes. Our regular class starts up again in August.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Three Musketeers
Sienna and Logan have been nearly inseparable for awhile...but lately they have a new addition in their activities and antics! Mason is joining them in whatever it is they are doing...which seems to raise the noise level in this house! It is cute to see him try to join them, chase them and play with them.
We started doing some school this week...after we are finished with our devotional and morning jobs I have Sienna and Logan meet me at the kitchen table for some worksheets. (It's really Math and Handwriting for Sienna but Logan wants to be included so I just give him some random worksheets to color). I did not expect Mason to continue to get up at the table everyday and want to join them...but he does! So, I have had to give him a worksheet page to color as well!
We started doing some school this week...after we are finished with our devotional and morning jobs I have Sienna and Logan meet me at the kitchen table for some worksheets. (It's really Math and Handwriting for Sienna but Logan wants to be included so I just give him some random worksheets to color). I did not expect Mason to continue to get up at the table everyday and want to join them...but he does! So, I have had to give him a worksheet page to color as well!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Utah/Idaho Vacation
We just got back from our Utah/Idaho vacation.
We spent the first Saturday in Orangeville at a Cox reunion...the first one since 1985! It was fun to see some people I don't get to see very often and figure out who some people were! David and Candice were there with the boys and Linnea was there with Jenica (Craig was fighting a fire)
We were in Idaho Falls for the 4th. We made it to the last half of the parade, the kids were disappointed that they didn't get any candy! I guess that what happens when you are at the end of the parade route! We enjoyed our annual 4th of July BBQ at Brett & Katies and found a spot to watch the fireworks just in time! We had our own fireworks "spectacular" the next night with Kerry & Patty's family.
We had fun at Lagoon. I spent the better part of the day in Kiddie Land where Logan had a blast!
We went to Hogle Zoo with Janel/Gabe and the girls. There were a lot of activities for the kids to do along with the animal exhibits that made it a fun excursion for the kids.
Ryan and I met Evan and Sarah for lunch with our 4 youngest...that was risky but it went well! Kessiah and Jenessa were at a Primary party with Emily and Marissa during that time.
Craig and Linnea came over to Richfield for a couple of hours when we got back there so we could see him.
It was a nice trip (except for trying to keep a nearly 2 year old boy happy in the car for hours at a time!) Thankfully, Corbin slept very well at night while we were gone...that was a huge blessing.
We spent the first Saturday in Orangeville at a Cox reunion...the first one since 1985! It was fun to see some people I don't get to see very often and figure out who some people were! David and Candice were there with the boys and Linnea was there with Jenica (Craig was fighting a fire)
We were in Idaho Falls for the 4th. We made it to the last half of the parade, the kids were disappointed that they didn't get any candy! I guess that what happens when you are at the end of the parade route! We enjoyed our annual 4th of July BBQ at Brett & Katies and found a spot to watch the fireworks just in time! We had our own fireworks "spectacular" the next night with Kerry & Patty's family.
We had fun at Lagoon. I spent the better part of the day in Kiddie Land where Logan had a blast!
We went to Hogle Zoo with Janel/Gabe and the girls. There were a lot of activities for the kids to do along with the animal exhibits that made it a fun excursion for the kids.
Ryan and I met Evan and Sarah for lunch with our 4 youngest...that was risky but it went well! Kessiah and Jenessa were at a Primary party with Emily and Marissa during that time.
Craig and Linnea came over to Richfield for a couple of hours when we got back there so we could see him.
It was a nice trip (except for trying to keep a nearly 2 year old boy happy in the car for hours at a time!) Thankfully, Corbin slept very well at night while we were gone...that was a huge blessing.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
End of Little League
This week was the last week of Little League games and the first week of swimming lessons. I'm glad to know we made it to the end of Little League...I was really unsure when we were signing the girls up how it would all go with having a baby in the middle of the season. But thanks to having my mom around for 6 weeks and Ryan having a fairly flexible schedule...it all worked out!
Now on to swimming lessons and time to start thinking about soccer sign-ups!
Now on to swimming lessons and time to start thinking about soccer sign-ups!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
6 weeks old
Our adorable little bundle of sweetness is already 6 weeks old. He is a good baby...he generally gets a little cranky in the evening before he crashes...but generally he naps well during the day, waking up every few hours to eat and have some "awake" time. He has been sleeping for 4-4 1/2 hours at a time at night.
He is adored by all the kids (and his parents of course!) I'm doing pretty good, but I'm feeling a need to spend some more one-on-one time with the kids...especially Kessiah, who has already said that I don't have time for her because of the little ones...she's not entirely wrong! It can be a little crazy when I have multiple children wanting to talk with me at the same time! I'm working on doing better with that for the summer...not sure how to work that in during the school year yet!
He is adored by all the kids (and his parents of course!) I'm doing pretty good, but I'm feeling a need to spend some more one-on-one time with the kids...especially Kessiah, who has already said that I don't have time for her because of the little ones...she's not entirely wrong! It can be a little crazy when I have multiple children wanting to talk with me at the same time! I'm working on doing better with that for the summer...not sure how to work that in during the school year yet!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day 2011
We enjoyed a nice family bike ride/walk this afternoon on the path that goes through town. I pushed all three boys in the bike trailer/stroller to the Civic Center. Corbin slept all the way there in the cargo space of the stroller...it worked great...but won't work when Corbin gets bigger and wants to sit up! On the way back, Ryan lowered the seat on his bike and I rode it back while he pushed the stroller...he was able to keep up with us bikers...something that I couldn't do. Kessiah and Jenessa commented several times on how much they enjoyed having a family activity...we haven't done any fun family activities (with the whole family) for several months because of my pregnancy. It was nice to be out together...a warm fuzzy moment!
For dinner we used the grill for the first time since last summer. It was yummy and we finished it off with s'mores!
For dinner we used the grill for the first time since last summer. It was yummy and we finished it off with s'mores!
Friday, May 27, 2011
One Month Old
Wow! One Month...time goes by so fast when I'm not pregnant!
Corbin is adorable and is starting to smile (at least we think so!) He has been a good baby...he tends to get a little fussy in the evenings, but he generally only crys when he's hungry or wants to be held. He wakes up every 2-3 hours at night...it would be nice if it was at least every 3 hours...but we'll get there!
My mom left on Monday and I've missed having her around this week! She was able to stay for 6 weeks and it was great! She pretty much took charge of Mason and kept up with the dishes. She also did much of the cooking (with Kessiah and Jenessa) which was very nice. This week, I've had to take kids to softball games...the girls aren't a problem...but these 3 little boys that are 3 years and younger are another story! Library storytime was challenging this week as well...I'm getting good at nursing Corbin while walking around keeping Mason in check!
It's a fun, chaotic life...I'm a lucky girl to be so blessed!
Corbin is adorable and is starting to smile (at least we think so!) He has been a good baby...he tends to get a little fussy in the evenings, but he generally only crys when he's hungry or wants to be held. He wakes up every 2-3 hours at night...it would be nice if it was at least every 3 hours...but we'll get there!
My mom left on Monday and I've missed having her around this week! She was able to stay for 6 weeks and it was great! She pretty much took charge of Mason and kept up with the dishes. She also did much of the cooking (with Kessiah and Jenessa) which was very nice. This week, I've had to take kids to softball games...the girls aren't a problem...but these 3 little boys that are 3 years and younger are another story! Library storytime was challenging this week as well...I'm getting good at nursing Corbin while walking around keeping Mason in check!
It's a fun, chaotic life...I'm a lucky girl to be so blessed!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Jenessa's baptism/Corbin's blessing
Today was a special day for our family. Corbin was blessed during Sacrament meeting and Jenessa was baptized this evening. Jenessa waited to be baptized so that Papa could be here.
Corbin looked so handsomely cute in his white tux.
Jenessa was so excited for her special day! Jenessa said that during her confirmation it felt like someone was "squeezing her heart." I'm so glad to see her make good choices.
Friday, May 20, 2011
End of the School Year
Just a recap of this semester...how did it go? Well, it was the end of my pregnancy for baby #6...so it was a little rough. Thankfully, Kessiah and Jenessa are pretty independent in thier work. Unfortunately, we didn't do any "extra" things beyond what was required which doesn't make for a very fun school year.
We did continue to go to gymnastics on Mondays. We also somehow made it through basketball season with Kessiah and Jenessa. The three girls are currently playing softball/t-ball.
We did pretty good at keeping up with our zones and Saturday jobs during this semester which was very helpful for me...since I pretty much fall apart at doing anything while I'm pregnant!
We did continue to go to gymnastics on Mondays. We also somehow made it through basketball season with Kessiah and Jenessa. The three girls are currently playing softball/t-ball.
We did pretty good at keeping up with our zones and Saturday jobs during this semester which was very helpful for me...since I pretty much fall apart at doing anything while I'm pregnant!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
I'm smiling because...
"I'm smiling because you took me camping."
That is what Logan told Ryan on their way home from the annual father-son campout. Logan really needed some one-on-one time with his dad. He has been having some attitude problems over the past several weeks...I don't know for sure if it is his age (he is three...so that could be it!) or if it has to do with Corbin and Nana being here.
That is what Logan told Ryan on their way home from the annual father-son campout. Logan really needed some one-on-one time with his dad. He has been having some attitude problems over the past several weeks...I don't know for sure if it is his age (he is three...so that could be it!) or if it has to do with Corbin and Nana being here.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Corbin is here!
We are so blessed to have Corbin here at last! Here is a run-down on his arrival.
Monday: I had a doctor appointment and was dialated to a 3. I mentioned that I was concerned because I felt like his movements had slowed down so she hooked me up to some monitors for a non-stress test. He was fine and I was having contractions...though nothing very strong. I had been having contractions for about a week...though nothing consistant.
Tuesday: I woke up at about 4:30 a.m. having contractions about every 20 minutes. Nothing that would send me to the hospital but they stayed with me ALL day. In the afternoon they started getting a little closer together and a little stronger. I called Ryan about 5:00 and told him I didn't think he was going to make it to his stake meeting or his volleyball game that night and that he might want to come home. After he got home he timed my contractions at less than 5 minutes apart...even though I didn't feel like the intesity of the contractions was as strong as they had been with other labors when I went to the hospital I decided to go anyway since I had been having labor pains all day. When we got there I was dialated to a 4. The nurse asked what I wanted as far as pain medication and I said I wanted an epidural. She asked if I wanted it as soon as possible or if I wanted to wait. Considering that I was tired from being in labor all day I said I wanted it as soon as possible. Ryan teased me about that because I had talked about doing this one with no medication...but I was tired and knew I still had hours to go before delivery! I have never had such a hard time getting an IV, I think they poked me 6 times before they got one in...my right hand was very bruised when I got home. I did have a hard time when I got this epidural...my blood pressure dropped (they gave me medication for that) and I felt like I was going to throw up for about 5 minutes...but it passed and I felt better. Ryan and I watched National Treasure as the evening passed. I had him put it National Treasure 2...but we didn't get to watch too much of it...things had progressed and I was ready to push. Even though the nurse said he was still up kind of high it only took me 2 pushes to get him out...I don't know what happened to my epidural because those were a couple of PAINFUL pushes! but he was born just before 1:00 on Wednesday morning.
Corbin Clark Judy
8 lb 11 oz
19 3/4 in
Monday: I had a doctor appointment and was dialated to a 3. I mentioned that I was concerned because I felt like his movements had slowed down so she hooked me up to some monitors for a non-stress test. He was fine and I was having contractions...though nothing very strong. I had been having contractions for about a week...though nothing consistant.
Tuesday: I woke up at about 4:30 a.m. having contractions about every 20 minutes. Nothing that would send me to the hospital but they stayed with me ALL day. In the afternoon they started getting a little closer together and a little stronger. I called Ryan about 5:00 and told him I didn't think he was going to make it to his stake meeting or his volleyball game that night and that he might want to come home. After he got home he timed my contractions at less than 5 minutes apart...even though I didn't feel like the intesity of the contractions was as strong as they had been with other labors when I went to the hospital I decided to go anyway since I had been having labor pains all day. When we got there I was dialated to a 4. The nurse asked what I wanted as far as pain medication and I said I wanted an epidural. She asked if I wanted it as soon as possible or if I wanted to wait. Considering that I was tired from being in labor all day I said I wanted it as soon as possible. Ryan teased me about that because I had talked about doing this one with no medication...but I was tired and knew I still had hours to go before delivery! I have never had such a hard time getting an IV, I think they poked me 6 times before they got one in...my right hand was very bruised when I got home. I did have a hard time when I got this epidural...my blood pressure dropped (they gave me medication for that) and I felt like I was going to throw up for about 5 minutes...but it passed and I felt better. Ryan and I watched National Treasure as the evening passed. I had him put it National Treasure 2...but we didn't get to watch too much of it...things had progressed and I was ready to push. Even though the nurse said he was still up kind of high it only took me 2 pushes to get him out...I don't know what happened to my epidural because those were a couple of PAINFUL pushes! but he was born just before 1:00 on Wednesday morning.
Corbin Clark Judy
8 lb 11 oz
19 3/4 in
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