There are so many funny, cute, and tender moments that happen in our is my attempt to capture some of them from the past month.
1. Logan during one of his personal prayers prayed that a force field would be put around our house to keep out any bad guys!...not sure why he is concerned about this.
2. Mason and I were coming home in the car and he asked if there was a portal we could take to get there faster (how does a 4 year old even know what a portal is?)
3. When I was asking Jenessa what her favorite book was over the past school year, she looked at me with disbelief and said "Asking me what my favorite book was last year is like asking you who your favorite child is!" (Ummm...I can see why that is a difficult question!)
4. Every time the girls go out to see the chickens, Corbin asks if he can go to the chicken poop too. He means chicken coop put it always comes out chicken poop.
5. When Mason graduated from preschool, I explained that he wouldn't be going there anymore. He excitedly said "Do I get to go to co-op now?" It made me so happy that he didn't care about going to kindergarten (he probably didn't even realize what his teachers were talking about when they mentioned it)...he was excited about going to co-op with Logan and Sienna.
6. A Little Red Riding Hood cape made it's way out of the dress-up box. Mason put it on and was pretending to fly...then he came up to me and asked "If I put on a real superman shirt, can I really fly?"
7. Logan said after playing with some new kids at an end-of-school-year party, "I'm going to make lots of friends so I can go to lots of birthday parties!" (That makes sense...more friends=more birthday parties!)
8. Logan was telling Mason to do a lot of things for him on a particular afternoon. Mason came to me and complained. I said "Are you Logan's servant?" Mason said, "No, I'm Jesus' servant" He then asked what Jesus wanted him to which I responded "Be obedient" He seemed to like that and went off to continue playing (not as Logan's servant)
9. When we were in the library, Corbin found the statue of a dragon (he hadn't noticed it before because it is in a corner that we usually don't go to), he was made me laugh when he asked "Will it eat me?"
10. Tender Moment: One of our chickens died...we don't know why. It was sad to see tears as our children said good-bye
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
One of my heroes...My Grandpa
I have a few heroes in my of them is this man.
This picture was taken 2 years ago at his 100th birthday party! Yep, that means he is about ready to turn 102 years old! The amazing part is that he lives by himself in the same home that he raised his children in. Thankfully, my parents live just a few blocks away...but he does almost everything by himself. He still even walks to the grocery store when the weather is good...much to my parents' dismay! He has always had a huge garden...and still gets out there when it's his water turn.
Happy Birthday Grandpa, I Love You!
This picture was taken 2 years ago at his 100th birthday party! Yep, that means he is about ready to turn 102 years old! The amazing part is that he lives by himself in the same home that he raised his children in. Thankfully, my parents live just a few blocks away...but he does almost everything by himself. He still even walks to the grocery store when the weather is good...much to my parents' dismay! He has always had a huge garden...and still gets out there when it's his water turn.
Happy Birthday Grandpa, I Love You!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Memorial Day Weekend 2014
I am grateful for the men and women who serve our country and protect our freedoms.

Ryan and I (mostly Ryan) spent most of Friday getting our playset put back together. He finished it on Saturday and then we stained it...(most of it...we ran out of stain). It will be nice for the boys to have that back up again.
Ryan took the girls to the Y to go swimming on Saturday afternoon.
On Monday Ryan and the girls went kayaking in the morning. Sienna came in the door when they got back yelling to me that she needed stitches! She had cut her foot on a rock, we cleaned it did not need stitches...just some neosporin and a bandaid!
After a lunch break, Ryan took Sienna on her "free date" for finishing the Book of Mormon (when our kids finish a book of scripture they get a free date and a paid date with a parent). They went on the bike trail to the library. We enjoyed a hamburger dinner when they got home.
I stayed home with the boys during these excursions because I was focused on getting Corbin potty trained! He is being stubborn! On Friday, we went through 8 pairs of underwear. On Saturday, Sunday, and Monday I let him go bare-bottomed (totally grossing out his sisters). He refuses to go pee in the potty...but he will sometimes go on the tree in our backyard! He has great control...he hasn't had any accidents while being bare-bottomed. BUT he waits until I put a diaper on him at night, then he pees in it, takes it off, and puts one of Mason's pull-ups on!
Ryan and I (mostly Ryan) spent most of Friday getting our playset put back together. He finished it on Saturday and then we stained it...(most of it...we ran out of stain). It will be nice for the boys to have that back up again.
Ryan took the girls to the Y to go swimming on Saturday afternoon.
On Monday Ryan and the girls went kayaking in the morning. Sienna came in the door when they got back yelling to me that she needed stitches! She had cut her foot on a rock, we cleaned it did not need stitches...just some neosporin and a bandaid!
![]() |
If you look closely, you can see Jenessa and Sienna in the background |
After a lunch break, Ryan took Sienna on her "free date" for finishing the Book of Mormon (when our kids finish a book of scripture they get a free date and a paid date with a parent). They went on the bike trail to the library. We enjoyed a hamburger dinner when they got home.
I stayed home with the boys during these excursions because I was focused on getting Corbin potty trained! He is being stubborn! On Friday, we went through 8 pairs of underwear. On Saturday, Sunday, and Monday I let him go bare-bottomed (totally grossing out his sisters). He refuses to go pee in the potty...but he will sometimes go on the tree in our backyard! He has great control...he hasn't had any accidents while being bare-bottomed. BUT he waits until I put a diaper on him at night, then he pees in it, takes it off, and puts one of Mason's pull-ups on!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Summer Routine 2014
We are in our summer routine! It is nice to move a little slower in the mornings and have a more carefree attitude.
As much as some of my kids would like to sit around and watch TV all day...their mom has different ideas! I have created a basic routine that I tweak just a little every year. We do swimming lessons at the Y on Tuesday and Thursday late afternoons, Tuesday morning is the library reading program, and Friday mornings in the summer movie program at the theatre. I include physical activity, reading, and some extra jobs in their daily routine.
Each child has a check off sheet that they use each day to help them follow the routine...I say routine instead of schedule because I don't have specific times on anything except our morning devotional. I didn't have a check off sheet for Mason or Corbin. But on Monday Mason insisted on having one as I quickly adjusted one and he now has one taped to the wall next to the others. Everyone has to do certain things in order to earn screen time (TV, computer, kindle, etc.) And there is a limit to how much screen time they can do each it can't be done until the afternoon after quiet reading time and mommy reading time.
Last year I made up our own summer reading bingo with prizes and the kids really liked, of course, I had to do it again! Jenessa had fun redoing the prize chart this year...everything is pretty inexpensive (plus I have some Culver's coupons for when everyone gets a blackout!)
This year I made the BINGO charts empty and gave them a list of books they could choose from to fill in the spaces. It will be fun to see what books they choose! Especially since the books that Kessiah and Jenessa choose will likely be the books that I will read as I made sure to put some books on their lists that I wanted to read! We have all the reading BINGO charts and book lists on a wall in our office. Kessiah's book list is a little short but she can also choose books from Jenessa's list...I just didn't want to retype them. I don't have a chart for Logan yet...but I have given him the same prize options for progress in his Hooked on Phonics book.
As much as some of my kids would like to sit around and watch TV all day...their mom has different ideas! I have created a basic routine that I tweak just a little every year. We do swimming lessons at the Y on Tuesday and Thursday late afternoons, Tuesday morning is the library reading program, and Friday mornings in the summer movie program at the theatre. I include physical activity, reading, and some extra jobs in their daily routine.
Each child has a check off sheet that they use each day to help them follow the routine...I say routine instead of schedule because I don't have specific times on anything except our morning devotional. I didn't have a check off sheet for Mason or Corbin. But on Monday Mason insisted on having one as I quickly adjusted one and he now has one taped to the wall next to the others. Everyone has to do certain things in order to earn screen time (TV, computer, kindle, etc.) And there is a limit to how much screen time they can do each it can't be done until the afternoon after quiet reading time and mommy reading time.
Last year I made up our own summer reading bingo with prizes and the kids really liked, of course, I had to do it again! Jenessa had fun redoing the prize chart this year...everything is pretty inexpensive (plus I have some Culver's coupons for when everyone gets a blackout!)
This year I made the BINGO charts empty and gave them a list of books they could choose from to fill in the spaces. It will be fun to see what books they choose! Especially since the books that Kessiah and Jenessa choose will likely be the books that I will read as I made sure to put some books on their lists that I wanted to read! We have all the reading BINGO charts and book lists on a wall in our office. Kessiah's book list is a little short but she can also choose books from Jenessa's list...I just didn't want to retype them. I don't have a chart for Logan yet...but I have given him the same prize options for progress in his Hooked on Phonics book.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
A Day in Our Life
This was really interesting for me to do...I kept track of what we did yesterday...with a few pictures along the way. We are starting our summer schedule...which means I didn't go to gymnastics with the 4 youngest like I do during the normal school year.
Woke up at 6:00...Logan was up to greet, email.
6:45...exercise with a Fit2B routine...Mason and Corbin got up during this time and Ryan left for work..had to intervene in a little boy fight the boys some milk and went to get myself ready for the day...showered, dressed, made my bed, folded some clothes...Kessiah got up during this time and played with kittens...Logan did his morning zone and played with kittens...Mason and Corbin played with each other.
7:45...went outside to turn on the water for the tomatoes and corn, printed weekly routine sheets for the 4 oldest kids and hung them up (after spending 10 minutes trying to find the tape!)...Sienna got up and played with kittens...I got kids moving on their AM responsibilities and breakfast...cleaned up a cup of spilled milk, sat down and cuddled with Corbin who wanted a Mommy Hug, Logan joined us, got up to put away a dog leash that Corbin started to hit me with, cleaned up kitchen island, told kids to put kittens away
8:30...morning devotional (after I get Corbin and Mason settled down from fighting over a toy...why do they always want the same thing!)...told kids they cannot hold kitten until their morning things are done... helped Sienna with math, cleaned up the front and back entry ways and downstairs hallway, dumped a bag of flour into a bucket, encouraged the boys (several times) to clean their room and assisted a couple of times, discussed summer goals with Jenessa, got Corbin dressed

10:00...snack time (although Logan and Mason didn't get a snack until 10:30 because it took them that long to clean their room and get dressed!), I did some decluttering in the office, decided what we were having for dinner and watered the rest of the garden, Kessiah and Jenessa finished their summer school work, Logan and Mason did some PE games on the Wii (Corbin fell asleep on the couch while watching them), Logan did his morning zone and garden job, Kessiah went to play with Kurt's kittens, I printed a weekly routine sheet for Mason who decided he needed one, helped Logan and Mason do a couple of worksheets. Sienna settled down with a book. I even had a few minutes to sit down and read a conference talk from the Ensign.

12:20...Ryan came home for lunch...we ate and started quiet reading time. Logan and Mason had a very hard time being quiet today! Corbin informed me that he was I had to stop and change him and discovered that he had leaked onto the carpet so I had to stop and get out the Little Green Cleaning Machine and shampoo the spot up!
2:00...Mommy Reading Time...we are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...I couldn't read as much as we would have liked because of a scratchy throat. Kessiah and Jenessa worked on their coloring pages.

2:30...Girls took the dogs on a walk, I continued organizing the office (we still have a couple of boxes that haven't been upacked!) and got dinner in the crockpot. The girls and I watched the latest Granite Flats episode while the boys watched Wild Kratts on PBS. We all did afternoon zones and got ready for the piano recital.
6:00...Jenessa and Sienna had a piano recital (which Mason and Corbin had quite a bit of trouble sitting still for), girls and Logan went with Ryan to Walmart to buy kitty litter and box, I came home with Corbin and them dinner.
7:45...Ryan got home with kids, got kittens situated, ate dinner, got boys ready for bed, family prayer, Jenessa read 3 books to the boys since my throat was still scratchy, boys in bed...the rest of us watched Studio C and then we called it a night!
Thanks to Tristan at Our Busy Homeschool for inspiring me to do this!
Woke up at 6:00...Logan was up to greet, email.
6:45...exercise with a Fit2B routine...Mason and Corbin got up during this time and Ryan left for work..had to intervene in a little boy fight the boys some milk and went to get myself ready for the day...showered, dressed, made my bed, folded some clothes...Kessiah got up during this time and played with kittens...Logan did his morning zone and played with kittens...Mason and Corbin played with each other.
7:45...went outside to turn on the water for the tomatoes and corn, printed weekly routine sheets for the 4 oldest kids and hung them up (after spending 10 minutes trying to find the tape!)...Sienna got up and played with kittens...I got kids moving on their AM responsibilities and breakfast...cleaned up a cup of spilled milk, sat down and cuddled with Corbin who wanted a Mommy Hug, Logan joined us, got up to put away a dog leash that Corbin started to hit me with, cleaned up kitchen island, told kids to put kittens away
8:30...morning devotional (after I get Corbin and Mason settled down from fighting over a toy...why do they always want the same thing!)...told kids they cannot hold kitten until their morning things are done... helped Sienna with math, cleaned up the front and back entry ways and downstairs hallway, dumped a bag of flour into a bucket, encouraged the boys (several times) to clean their room and assisted a couple of times, discussed summer goals with Jenessa, got Corbin dressed
12:20...Ryan came home for lunch...we ate and started quiet reading time. Logan and Mason had a very hard time being quiet today! Corbin informed me that he was I had to stop and change him and discovered that he had leaked onto the carpet so I had to stop and get out the Little Green Cleaning Machine and shampoo the spot up!
2:00...Mommy Reading Time...we are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...I couldn't read as much as we would have liked because of a scratchy throat. Kessiah and Jenessa worked on their coloring pages.
7:45...Ryan got home with kids, got kittens situated, ate dinner, got boys ready for bed, family prayer, Jenessa read 3 books to the boys since my throat was still scratchy, boys in bed...the rest of us watched Studio C and then we called it a night!
Thanks to Tristan at Our Busy Homeschool for inspiring me to do this!
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Life in the Judy House this week
Wednesday morning when Kessiah went out to check on the chickens she found a surprise...3 kittens! I'm sure someone had left them there (grrrrr) and of course my girls latched on quickly to those creatures...nice of them to leave for each girl...of course, Logan feels a little left out! I'm not a cat person...and I don't want any more inside pets (we already have 2 guinea pigs inside and Diamond sleeps inside)...time will tell how this one ends up!
Corbin once again came to me with blood dripping down his face. He had given himself a cut on the top of his forehead with a bungee cord. (In March he had given himself a gash in the head from the desk). I had my phone in my back pocket so I took a picture...but first I made sure that he was really ok! (Ryan couldn't believe I stopped to take a picture!)

I love that my boys go outside more often is Corbin talking to our neighbors horse.
We had some beautiful weather towards the end of the week...the kids got out the slip n slide that the previous owner left. I can tell we will be using that quite a bit this summer! Corbin kept going out to play with it long after everyone else was finished.
On Saturday, Ryan and Kessiah got to go the the temple with the youth...a great experience. Kessiah wishes we were close enough to go more often.
While they were gone, the rest of us had a Primary activity outside with water, squirt guns, sponges, slip n slide, and more water!
Corbin once again came to me with blood dripping down his face. He had given himself a cut on the top of his forehead with a bungee cord. (In March he had given himself a gash in the head from the desk). I had my phone in my back pocket so I took a picture...but first I made sure that he was really ok! (Ryan couldn't believe I stopped to take a picture!)
I love that my boys go outside more often is Corbin talking to our neighbors horse.
We had some beautiful weather towards the end of the week...the kids got out the slip n slide that the previous owner left. I can tell we will be using that quite a bit this summer! Corbin kept going out to play with it long after everyone else was finished.
On Saturday, Ryan and Kessiah got to go the the temple with the youth...a great experience. Kessiah wishes we were close enough to go more often.
While they were gone, the rest of us had a Primary activity outside with water, squirt guns, sponges, slip n slide, and more water!
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Mason's Graduation from Preschool
Once upon a time I had a 9 pound baby boy...our 5th child, 2nd son.
He was loveable and cute...but I felt like he wasn't developing as quickly as my other children had. At his 9 month well child check he was diagnosed with low muscle tone and torticollis.
We started physical therapy once a week at our house...when he was 2 we started speech therapy as well. When he turned 3 I had to make a decision. He still needed therapy, but they wouldn't come to our house anymore. I could put him in the school district preschool where he would continue to get therapy (3 days a week for 2 1/2 hours) or I could bring him in once a week for therapy. We decided to go with the preschool option...but I was nervous. I had never sent any of my children to public school...and he was so little.

It ended up being a positive experience for him...and me! He had fun and got the therapies he needed. He is doing so much better with his speech than he was 2 years ago. He still has a slight head tilt at times...I'm not sure that will ever go away completely.
And now his time at the preschool is over. They had a little graduation ceremony to celebrate. (Truthfully, I think preschool graduation ceremonies are a little ridiculous...but since it was my own child I thought is was sweet of the teacher to do it!)

My current plan for him is to keep him home and take him into the elementary school for the therapies that he needs. He is doing much better and at our final conference the therapists weren't sure whether or not to have him continue with his therapies or not...but we decided to continue just so someone could be watching to see if any further interventions might be needed.
As I have been talking to him about preschool being over he is excited that now he can go to coop with Logan and Sienna.
As a side note...I took Mason to his eye appointment this afternoon. He is doing well and we do not have to go back for 6 months. Yeah!
He was loveable and cute...but I felt like he wasn't developing as quickly as my other children had. At his 9 month well child check he was diagnosed with low muscle tone and torticollis.
We started physical therapy once a week at our house...when he was 2 we started speech therapy as well. When he turned 3 I had to make a decision. He still needed therapy, but they wouldn't come to our house anymore. I could put him in the school district preschool where he would continue to get therapy (3 days a week for 2 1/2 hours) or I could bring him in once a week for therapy. We decided to go with the preschool option...but I was nervous. I had never sent any of my children to public school...and he was so little.
It ended up being a positive experience for him...and me! He had fun and got the therapies he needed. He is doing so much better with his speech than he was 2 years ago. He still has a slight head tilt at times...I'm not sure that will ever go away completely.
And now his time at the preschool is over. They had a little graduation ceremony to celebrate. (Truthfully, I think preschool graduation ceremonies are a little ridiculous...but since it was my own child I thought is was sweet of the teacher to do it!)
My current plan for him is to keep him home and take him into the elementary school for the therapies that he needs. He is doing much better and at our final conference the therapists weren't sure whether or not to have him continue with his therapies or not...but we decided to continue just so someone could be watching to see if any further interventions might be needed.
As I have been talking to him about preschool being over he is excited that now he can go to coop with Logan and Sienna.
As a side note...I took Mason to his eye appointment this afternoon. He is doing well and we do not have to go back for 6 months. Yeah!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
End of Year Questionaire
I've always wanted to sit down with my kids and talk about how the school year went, what we could do better, what they wished we would have done, etc. And I often do talk to my girls informally about those questions....but I wanted something more.
This year I made up a questionnaire that I could keep in their notebooks about some of their favorite things from this past school year. I just made up my own because all the printable ones I could find were geared for public school kids (they all had the question...who was your favorite teacher? Ummm...that would be ME!)
It was a simple typed form...but it worked!
Here are some of the answers
Logan...just finished kindergarten
Favorite Color: blue, green, orange, purple...all of them
Favorite Food: candy
Favorite Indoor Activity: color
Favorite Outdoor Activity: give Dogger a belly rub
When I grow up I want to be: a movie maker and live in Logan (Utah)
Sienna...just finished 2nd grade
Favorite Color: pink
Favorite Food: bow tie pasta
Favorite indoor activity: reading
Favorite outdoor activity: jumping on trampoline
When I grow up I want to be a librarian
I'm really good at: reading
What is the most memorable moment from this past year: When we did the human tower (the kids made a human tower last Father's must have been memorable for Sienna!)
What are you most happy about accomplishing this past year: Finishing the Book of Mormon
What was your favorite book this year: Magic School Bus and American Girl books
Jenessa...just finished 5th grade
Favorite Color: purple
Favorite Food: pot stickers, bubble pizza
Favorite indoor activity: playing card games
Favorite outdoor activity: riding my scooter on driveway, kayaking, playing with animals
When I grow up I want to be: either a librarian, preschool teacher or kindergarten teacher, or a professional soccer player
What is the most memorable moment from this past year: moving to our new house
What are you most happy about accomplishing this past year: finishing elementary school and starting junior high next year
What was your favorite book this year: The Land of Stories series, Kane Chronicles, Nancy Drew series, Hardy Boys series, Emerald Atlas series

Kessiah...just finished 7th grade
Favorite Color: black and red
Favorite Food: cheesecake and chocolate
Favorite indoor activity: playing on computer, reading, piano
Favorite outdoor activity: kayaking, hiking, playing with animals, riding bikes, ziplining
When I grow up I want to be: pilot or an animal trainer
I'm really good at: piano, video gaming, computers
What is the most memorable moment from this past year: getting my Kindle, turning 13, getting the chicks, moving
What are you most happy about accomplishing this past year: accomplishing my goal of getting a new house
What was your favorite book this year: Erin Hunter books, 13 Treasures series, Hunger Games series

I didn't fill out a questionnaire for Mason or Corbin...but Mason's favorite color is red and Corbin tells me his is yellow!
This year I made up a questionnaire that I could keep in their notebooks about some of their favorite things from this past school year. I just made up my own because all the printable ones I could find were geared for public school kids (they all had the question...who was your favorite teacher? Ummm...that would be ME!)
It was a simple typed form...but it worked!
Here are some of the answers
Logan...just finished kindergarten
Favorite Color: blue, green, orange, purple...all of them
Favorite Food: candy
Favorite Indoor Activity: color
Favorite Outdoor Activity: give Dogger a belly rub
When I grow up I want to be: a movie maker and live in Logan (Utah)

Sienna...just finished 2nd grade
Favorite Color: pink
Favorite Food: bow tie pasta
Favorite indoor activity: reading
When I grow up I want to be a librarian
I'm really good at: reading
What is the most memorable moment from this past year: When we did the human tower (the kids made a human tower last Father's must have been memorable for Sienna!)
What are you most happy about accomplishing this past year: Finishing the Book of Mormon
What was your favorite book this year: Magic School Bus and American Girl books
Jenessa...just finished 5th grade

Favorite Food: pot stickers, bubble pizza
Favorite indoor activity: playing card games
Favorite outdoor activity: riding my scooter on driveway, kayaking, playing with animals
When I grow up I want to be: either a librarian, preschool teacher or kindergarten teacher, or a professional soccer player
What is the most memorable moment from this past year: moving to our new house
What are you most happy about accomplishing this past year: finishing elementary school and starting junior high next year
What was your favorite book this year: The Land of Stories series, Kane Chronicles, Nancy Drew series, Hardy Boys series, Emerald Atlas series
Kessiah...just finished 7th grade
Favorite Color: black and red
Favorite Food: cheesecake and chocolate
Favorite indoor activity: playing on computer, reading, piano
Favorite outdoor activity: kayaking, hiking, playing with animals, riding bikes, ziplining
When I grow up I want to be: pilot or an animal trainer
I'm really good at: piano, video gaming, computers
What is the most memorable moment from this past year: getting my Kindle, turning 13, getting the chicks, moving
What are you most happy about accomplishing this past year: accomplishing my goal of getting a new house
What was your favorite book this year: Erin Hunter books, 13 Treasures series, Hunger Games series
I didn't fill out a questionnaire for Mason or Corbin...but Mason's favorite color is red and Corbin tells me his is yellow!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Fathers & Sons Campout AND Mother's Day
This year Ryan took all three boys with him on the Fathers & Sons Campout. I wasn't going to push him to take Corbin (he kept joking that he couldn't take any boys that were not potty trained!) but Jenessa did push! She packed a bag for Mason and Corbin and helped get all the stuff in the truck.
Ryan said it went fine. If we rate the amount of fun had to how much dirt was on their faces when they got home...then Mason and Corbin had a great time!
The girls stayed home and had "C" night...we ate calzones and cupcakes and watched old episodes of Studio C.
This weekend was also Mother's Day. Ryan bought me some flowers and did all the cooking/cleanup in the kitchen...and even changed a stinky diaper! Some of my kids made me some reminders of how much they love me! I feel truly blessed to have the family that I do.
Ryan said it went fine. If we rate the amount of fun had to how much dirt was on their faces when they got home...then Mason and Corbin had a great time!
The girls stayed home and had "C" night...we ate calzones and cupcakes and watched old episodes of Studio C.
This weekend was also Mother's Day. Ryan bought me some flowers and did all the cooking/cleanup in the kitchen...and even changed a stinky diaper! Some of my kids made me some reminders of how much they love me! I feel truly blessed to have the family that I do.
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