Wednesday, May 14, 2014

End of Year Questionaire

I've always wanted to sit down with my kids and talk about how the school year went, what we could do better, what they wished we would have done, etc.  And I often do talk to my girls informally about those questions....but I wanted something more.

This year I made up a questionnaire that I could keep in their notebooks about some of their favorite things from this past school year.  I just made up my own because all the printable ones I could find were geared for public school kids (they all had the question...who was your favorite teacher?  Ummm...that would be ME!)

It was a simple typed form...but it worked!

Here are some of the answers

Logan...just finished kindergarten

Favorite Color:  blue, green, orange, purple...all of them
Favorite Food:  candy
Favorite Indoor Activity:  color
Favorite Outdoor Activity:  give Dogger a belly rub
When I grow up I want to be:  a movie maker and live in Logan (Utah)

Sienna...just finished 2nd grade
Favorite Color:  pink
Favorite Food:  bow tie pasta
Favorite indoor activity:  reading
Favorite outdoor activity:  jumping on trampoline
When I grow up I want to be a librarian
I'm really good at:  reading
What is the most memorable moment from this past year:  When we did the human tower (the kids made a human tower last Father's must have been memorable for Sienna!)
What are you most happy about accomplishing this past year:  Finishing the Book of Mormon
What was your favorite book this year:  Magic School Bus and American Girl books

Jenessa...just finished 5th grade
Favorite Color:  purple
Favorite Food:  pot stickers, bubble pizza
Favorite indoor activity:  playing card games
Favorite outdoor activity:  riding my scooter on driveway, kayaking, playing with animals
When I grow up I want to be:  either a librarian, preschool teacher or kindergarten teacher, or a professional soccer player
What is the most memorable moment from this past year:  moving to our new house
What are you most happy about accomplishing this past year:  finishing elementary school and starting junior high next year
What was your favorite book this year:  The Land of Stories series, Kane Chronicles, Nancy Drew series, Hardy Boys series, Emerald Atlas series

Kessiah...just finished 7th grade
Favorite Color:  black and red
Favorite Food:  cheesecake and chocolate
Favorite indoor activity:  playing on computer, reading, piano
Favorite outdoor activity:  kayaking, hiking, playing with animals, riding bikes, ziplining
When I grow up I want to be:  pilot or an animal trainer
I'm really good at:  piano, video gaming, computers
What is the most memorable moment from this past year:  getting my Kindle, turning 13, getting the chicks, moving
What are you most happy about accomplishing this past year:  accomplishing my goal of getting a new house
What was your favorite book this year:  Erin Hunter books, 13 Treasures series, Hunger Games series

I didn't fill out a questionnaire for Mason or Corbin...but Mason's favorite color is red and Corbin tells me his is yellow!

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