Friday, June 27, 2014

8th Grade, 6th Grade, 3rd Grade, 1st Grade Curriculum Plans 2014-2015

It's time to think about the next school year!  This is what we are planning for next year (2014-2015).  My 4 oldest will be involved with an online charter school in some way. 

8th Grade: Kessiah

Kessiah has really enjoyed Williamsburg Intermediate and plans to do another year with them.  She enjoyed the interaction in the online classes and the project based curriculum. 

It is a little crazy for me to think about the fact that this will be her last year before she starts seminary.  After this year she will need to get to seminary by 6:00 a.m.!  And early morning seminary will continue at this house for about the next 10 years.

6th Grade: Jenessa

Jenessa will start Williamsburg Intermediate, she has been watching her big sister all year and is anxious to try this out for herself. 

3rd Grade: Sienna

I have enrolled Sienna in an online charter school that offers quite a bit of flexibility.  I can have her do math and language arts through the charter school and do anything else on my own with her.  I am considering having her do science with the charter school.  This will be new for both of us...hoping for a quick learning curve!

Sienna will continue to participate in our homeschool group (all the kids are involved with this) and homeschool coop (Sienna, Logan, and Mason are involved with this one).

Our coop topics this year will be animals with backbones, ships/planes, Native Americans, Western Movement, Animals without backbones, First aid, Civil War, Depression, Art

Our LEAP topics will be Art, Animals/Habitats, Weather, Economics, Variety Show, Crime Solvers, Architecture, and Native Americans

1st Grade: Logan

I have enrolled Logan in the same online charter school as Sienna.  I like the fact that I can just do math and language arts with them and continue my own thing with science and history.

Since I am not going to sign him up for history or science I have made a plan of topics to cover with him (and the younger boys will tag along).  We will cover animals, transportation, weather, bugs, and the body.  I made the topics go along with either what we are learning about in coop or LEAP so we will just cover them a little deeper.  There are a couple of months at the end of the school year that I don't yet have a plan for...I just didn't feel inspired with anything yet.


Mason is technically old enough for kindergarten, but he has such a late summer birthday that I am not going to push him.  He will be old enough to be in a group with our homeschool group...he has actually been participating with them for a few months.  And he will start going to coop with Logan and Sienna.


Corbin is preschool age and is eager to work on educational activities when his siblings are so I will have things available for him when he wants them.

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