Sunday, August 31, 2014

Life around Our Little Homestead August 2014

We are loving our space here.  The sunsets are wonderful.

Kessiah tells me often how much she loves our chickens...some of them have started laying eggs....we need to figure out how to eat more eggs!  Angel (our white leghorn) keeps flying over the fence into the garden area...even after we have clipped her wings. She has found a cob of corn on the plant that she has been eating off of. And we found a little nest she made near the tomatoes with eggs in it! One morning I was out picking some things from the garden...I set down some vegetables and some berries and went to a different part of the garden...when I came back...there was Angel eating my berries!  I was not very happy with her.

I have picked several things from our garden...cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, cantelope, a couple zucchini.  The peas are long gone but I ate most of those while watering the garden...not very many have made it inside the house!  No berries have made it inside either...but a few have been eaten...even off our bushes we earlier in the year.  It has been a rainy the weeds are going crazy!  We let our corn go too now it has become chicken feed...bummer.  I kind of lost my time to spend out in the garden once school started...I really need to get out there and take care of some tomatoes!

We finally got Sienna her bunnies...the ones she was supposed to get for her 8th birthday!  A friend of ours knew someone who was wanting to get rid of their we took them!

Ryan bought some bales of hay that he set up for target practice for Kessiah to use with her bow and arrow.  She spray painted a target on it and has been enjoying going outside for some target practice.

We have been busy inside as well...Ryan has painted Kessiah's room...there was some strange green and orange in it is a pretty turquoise blue.  Jenessa's walls were all white...she added some color with some purple and yellow.

We went on a family hike around Fain Park.  It was an enjoyable evening but the mosquitoes were out and poor Mason got quite a few on his face that made his eye swell up.

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