Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Birthday Girl

Yes, I realize it wasn't the best day to start school...but we did because it was the day that Jenessa and Kessiah started classes again.  To be honest...we only got halfway through Logan's math...I didn't push very hard!

Jenessa made me this cute sign.  It has my name in the middle and words that describe me around the outside (now I know what she really thinks about me!)  Here is what she wrote...stay at home mom, hot water worthy hands (my kids can't believe how hot I have the water when doing the dishes), loves her husband and kids, pinterest with a purpose, hardworker, printables, blockus (one of my favorite games), creative, funny...sih, cheapster, good cooker.

Ryan brought me home some flowers at lunch...I love crazy daisies!

We went to Culver's for dinner...Corbin's face made me laugh when he realized he was able to pick up his whole scoop of ice cream with his spoon!

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