Saturday, December 7, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up

Monday:  We had a LEAP activity...we played dodgeball and sock baseball at the church.

Tuesday:  I had our Science/History coop here this week.  We are using this month to do some Christmas activities.  We made a couple of Christmas tree ornaments.  That afternoon Kessiah and Jenessa had 4H Leadership and Jenessa had a short officer meeting.

Wednesday:  We had a free we made cookies and that evening we took some to 5 of our neighbors.  We don't know our neighbors very well so this was a big deal for us!  It was nice to get out and say hello to them.

Thursday:  We had LEAP in the morning and 4H Community Meeting in the evening.  

Friday:  We had our ward party.  Everyone was supposed to wear their pajamas!  We had a spaghetti dinner with a few activities and Santa!  They all sat on Santa's lap this year!  Kessiah and Jenessa enjoyed being Santa's helpers.  Corbin sat by Santa for quite a while, then while Mason was talking to Santa Corbin got a little closer and put himself in position to be next!  I reflected on last year's ward party...I took the 5 oldest while Ryan stayed in the hospital with Corbin.  It was nice to be there together!

Saturday:  I took Kessiah to Catching Fire as party of her birthday celebration in the morning (we've had to stretch out her birthday a bit!)  The girls had a piano recital at the mall...I had Ryan take them because I was not feeling so great!

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