Friday, February 28, 2014

February 2014

1,  It has been a crazy busy month getting ready to move.  We moved in the last week in February and we love the new space.  I'm sure that some of our day to day activities will flow much better.  (Homeschooling with 6 kids can be tricky!  It's hard for older girls to do piano, math or other school work while little boys want to run around making noise or wrestle on the ground in the same room!  This new home provides a better layout us...and the outdoor space will be awesome!)

2.  Valentine's Day was pretty low key here this year.  It fell over the long President's Day weekend and Ryan and I had plans for a productive weekend working on packing and getting the house ready to sell.  Unfortunately, we both got sick and spent most of Friday, Saturday, (and for me Sunday) in bed.  Ryan did manage to go to the store on Friday (Valentine's Day) and buy me some flowers and the kids each a candy bar.  Kessiah made us a romantic dinner, unfortunately our stomachs prevented us from eating dessert...but we really appreciated her efforts.

3.  We had our 3rd annual Judy Family Chopped Competition on President's Day.,,for the first time, I didn't win!  It came down to a showdown between Kessiah and Jenessa.

4.  The girls participated in Piano Festival.  It was a great opportunity for them to play in front of judges and receive scores on their performance.

5.  We enjoyed a visit from Nana and Papa who came down to help us move.  They were incredibly helpful!

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