Sunday, May 2, 2010

Piano Recitals and Hair Cuts

On Saturday Kessiah and Jenessa had a piano recital.  We joined forces with a couple of other piano teachers who only have a few students and had the recital in the chapel.  Kessiah's teacher is nice enough to let Jenessa participate even though she is still taking lessons from me.  They both did really well, I'm so glad they get the experience of playing in front of other people.

All the boys got haircuts this weekend...I do mean ALL the boys!  Yep, we cut a little off of Mason's top...he was getting the "comb-over look"

At softball games this week, Kessiah got a hit...but it went right to the pitcher who caught it.  Jenessa was playing second base and got someone out.

1 comment:

Janel Ruzzi said...

So why the highlighting of Jenessa's name? Glad to hear softball is going well. I think my girls will be having their spring piano recital in about a month. It'll be Marissa's first!