Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 2016

We are back in the swing of things with school, early morning seminary, and piano lessons. Seminary got off to a rough start because of the weather.  The first 2 days back were find...but then we were supposed to get 4-6 inches of the rest of the week was cancelled because of 2 hour delays at the public schools.

Logan and Mason are playing basketball with the YMCA.  We were excited when we found out that they were forming some teams in Prescott Valley and we wouldn't have to go over to Prescott.  They each have a practice once a week and a game every Saturday.

Sienna had fun this month in activity days...they spent one week cutting out maxi skirts and the next time they met they sewed them.  I went with one of our machines to help her...that was tough for me as I always delegate any sewing activities to Kessiah so I am way out of practice!  But she did a great job and the girls enjoyed showing them off at church.

We have our Shakespeare club up and going again.  This semester our plan is to perform the play "Twelfth Night" in April.  We have a community theatre whose director is going to help us.  Here are Kessiah and Jenessa at the auditions.

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