Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's A(nother) Boy!

Coming attractions...


Joan said...

Congratulations! I'm sure your girls are excited! Two boys are very fun together. Unfortunately, now you will have to come up with another boy name! If you ever need suggestions, you know whom to call! LOL!

Cynthia said...

Yea!!!! I knew it!!! I prayed that you would have another boy! Ryan and Logan are drowning in women already! It was meant to be (I know I didn't really have anythig to do with it!Ha!)I just want to say whatever you name HIM it has to end with a N. You can't break the cycle now! All Judy girls end with A. So Logan(also Ryan, but he doesn't really count because Carrine doesn't end in A)ends with N therefore all (future)Judy boys should end in N to be fair to the system you created!!!! I will be so dissapointed if you can't come up with a name that ends in N for him. But I know you won't be sharing that until he comes.

Janel Ruzzi said...

I am very happy that Ryan's plan for having two boys worked out so nicely!

Chelsea said...

Congratulations! thats so fun! hope you are feeling better!