Sunday, December 12, 2010

4-H Week

This week was full of 4-H activities.  Usually, most of these don't fall in the same week!  We had Clover Kids (Jenessa and Sienna) on Tuesday.  They made treats for the white elephant gift exhange that we had on Community Meeting on Wednesday.  Thankfully, I was able to drop Sienna and Logan off at work with Ryan for the Community Meeting.  It made that meeting a little easier on me, especially since I hadn't been feeling well that day.  On Friday, Kessiah had her sewing meeting.  On Saturday morning, I took Jenessa and Kessiah to the mall where we did 4 hours of service at the Angel Tree booth.  They had so much fun they wanted to go back the next day and do it again!  It really was nice to see the generosity in our community.  Saturday afternoon Kessiah had her cavy meeting (Jenessa went too, she seems to be making herself part of that club even though she is technically not old enough!)  All of these meetings are just once a month (except the Angel Tree booth...they need to do 6 hours of service for 4-H during the year)...but they just all landed on the same week this month!  Thankfully, things slow down nicely for the next two weeks!

We ended Saturday evening with Ryan's annual Christmas bowling party!  Santa was there too!

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