Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back to Normal...What's That?

At least we all seem to be feeling better. We had the stomach bug hit our house this week...or at least hit the girls. For some reason, the boys in our house have stomachs of steel...but that's a good thing. The worst the little boys had were some icky diapers. Jenessa got sick on Monday, but was better by Tuesday. Sienna and I were sick most of Tuesday night and I found out the next day that Kessiah had also thrown up Tuesday night as well. Everyone was pretty much on the mend by the next morning except for me. I struggled through Wednesday but by Thursday morning I was in recovery mode and by Friday I progressed to clean up mode.

Ryan took an "executive" lunch hour on Wednesday and came home a couple of hours early to help us (mostly me) make it through the day.

For some reason, Mason slept a lot on Wednesday and only had 2 1/2 bottles all day. I would have been more worried if I had felt better...but he was back to normal the next day so I quit worrying about it.

Needless to say school was a little sporadic this week. We did manage to get some things done every day except Wednesday.


Janel Ruzzi said...

I am very glad to hear that you are feeling better now. :)

Cynthia said...

Sounds like you needed to clow down a bit...and we all know that when we don't listen, we are FORCED to take it easy!!!