Friday, January 8, 2010

Back to Work

We started school again this week after taking a well-deserved two week break. It was a little tough to get back in the groove. I think Jenessa would actually do better to NOT take a break ever! She had a rough time...there were tears every day but today and that is only because there was some serious threatening from me!

Sienna and Logan did very well this week playing together without causing too much trouble.

We started a new thing because I felt like I wasn't accomplishing one of the things that I wanted to during our homeschooling...that is incorporating some gospel teaching into our day. So now before we start our morning jobs we recite one of two scriptures that we are going to memorize each month. It is going really well and only takes about 2 minutes for everyone to repeat it. Sienna loves to take her turn...and for now I'm happy if Logan can just say the word Jesus!

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